Saturday, December 30, 2006

LAST week

it is over. the last working week of 2006. left office early according to usual standards. the person who is supposed to sign , didnt want to sign my time sheets on the spot. i mean, he said, can he sign in the afternoon, technically yes. and do intern say no? but when afternoon came he looked busy and i didnt dare to talk (disturb) him.

so i wouldnt be getting my pay on time.


i talked to chee keng. the very nice person from HR and i told what happen with the person who is supposed to sign and she rolled her eyes. the person who is supposed to sign probably wouldnt bite if i had asked him lah... but it shows that he isnt considerate enough towards his intern's welfare.

NVM. i wouldnt die getting pay late. chee keng said that once i submit, i will get it in a weeks' time.

i spent friday night trying to shop with kelly but end up just window shopping. hahaha. mostly. WAHAHAHHA. i need a pair of slip-on heels! pronto!

my feet is quite sad now. bruises/cuts/scars/handiplasts everywhere!!!!!!!!

to dear maxine... time will heal ur wounds. hope you wont dwelll on it.



Sunday, December 24, 2006

shocked & guilty.

sometimes i dont believe myself.

i could upset my friend, a few continents away. made him feel bad abt himself and angry towards me.

i guess i accidentally crushed his ego/pride again. its something about me and guys and me rejecting guys. regardless what's their intention, friendly or otherwise. i panicked when i sensed his upset-ness, his anger. his hurt.

i panicked and didnt really understand what i said or more correctly, typed wrong. but he isnt the first guy to say that my name=rejection. ahmed syaz was the first to point this out, jokingly or not and i thought it had no ounce of truth in it.

i just want him to know that i am sorry for making him feel bad. and i remember a lot of promises which we made together. i reallly wonder will any single one of them come true.

Friday, December 22, 2006

rest rest rest!

got a MAJOR pimple near my lip. its causing major discomfort. i duno how come i am so tired despite sleeping for 7 hours. i mean, i yawn ... non stop. my eye lids twitch with exhuastion. and i fall asleep everywhere. almost. intern cannot fall asleep during work anyway. hahaha.

MCIS also had a party. 'party'. lol. think its fairly bad labeling. HAH. it would be more true if they put a 'tea' in front of it.

N today, i could finish the allorted work before time.even had time for some legal entertainment. kekekke.

had a off-in-lieu day on wednesday. thats just 2 days ago and it felt so long ago. i shopped so much that i hardly have any dough left in the bank. the good thing is, i dun have urge to shop anymore since i've got most of what i wanted. that being the key word. 'most'. HAHAH. i neever resist a good bargain lah.

and there is gonna be a new intern. i sure hope that it would not collapse last min. cause thats major good news. cause it looks like MCIS Mrkg could be doing PanPac's as well. the staff r gonna be so overworked. this situations had potential to be one of those case studies in our exam paper.

like, what r the advantages of merger in companies. the benefits of outsourcing and not outsourcing. the advantage is one person do two's companies' work. -.- think the managers have it worse.

i listened to SO MUCH 93.3 fm that i could practically sing to whatever chinese song u could possibly pick at K-box! thanks to all my colleagues there. kekeekek.

they like to joke tat i have stay back another six months to pay back for my blur-ness and for whatever not done right.

i am sure they r joking. so i laughed along.

then another guy said, besides working for another six months, potentially working for free, the situation would most likely deteriorate to ME paying to work for them. they laughed of course. i pretended not to hear. and resisted glaring at him or rolling my eyes.

he uses nice perfume. i mean, cologne or whatever. and before i forget, its kenneth cole's black. or something which sounds like that.

going off to sleep.=)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

spinning around

YAY, the mktg team finally finish the website content updates. maybe need to adjust and refine here and there but the bulk its done. PHEW!!!

ever since the mrktg team starts to go on lunch together. we become quite crazy. I become quite reckless with my words. you know, the classic eve-syndromes. though my words are harmless and funny, it still might rub people the wrong way. BUT they would usually laugh first and say, EVE!!! YOU JUST EATTEN LEOPARD'S GUTS, IS IT??

okay, i will be careful to toe the line and not cross it. actually, i prefer not to be near the line at all. anyway, its been fun working with agnes, my Assist Manager.

she knows my weak points and doesnt ask me to any designing work. kekekee, i also have the real, convenient REASON of not havin photoshop at my comp. (thank god)

and there is also this guy, whose cologne is TERRIBLY NICE! i wonder whats the brand. perhaps its calvin kien? i have to ask him if i ever see him again. but the downside is, the cologne is there , mainly to mask his smoking aftermath. at least i think so.

staring at the computer screen for 13 hours is way too much for my eyesight. there isnt enough greenery in my life. and the luckiest thing i manage to GEDDIT. if not i will be so screwed upside down for the CMS update job. coz it always the intern's job. another PHEW!!!.

then after a eco-meeting/talk cock session at JURONG EAST... i met up with HCY to... what else. shop lo. i am going crazy with the sales! we were out from 1-8 pm and on average i maybe spent about $15 per hour. i am so gonna be broke. but somehow, i DON'T CARE. there is always the next paycheck.

on our way back, we saw some1 performing on a harp. some lady. so she looked realllllllly poised, elegant and angelic/fairy-like. i always associate fairy/angels with harps.

and thus, my day out ended with a nice musical note.

Monday, December 11, 2006

milkshake night

Oh my freaking god, 2006 will come to an END SOON. SO SOON!!!!!

Faint. Faint. Faint.
got my clubbin experience. Thought I would be like a piece of rock but with the loud music, the body just automatically swayed to the music. HAHA. The queueing part was hideous though. Coz it was the milkshake night, we were all like sardines but lucky got friend’s friends who could provide a helping hand.

But my time inside the club was cut short coz my friend had a panic attack. Yes. A panic attack. Coz she is claustrophobic and there were too many people for her brain to have sufficient oxygen and she had an attack. Poor thing.

And I bump into the Dinesh and Tim of all people. HAHAHAHAHA.

And I went to on a shoppin spree. Shoppin spree gives me a high. An impromptu spree. Wouldn’t consider it as retail therapy though. I realize I am more into comfort eating. Hmm, it would explains my (growing) size.

I think I cant wait for 2007. =)

Saturday, December 02, 2006


i wan to go Uni!!

we drank champagne. y did i ever associate champagne with sophisticatedness and classiness and everything nice and worldly?

hahaha. ok , whatever.

i wan to go jogging. i am afraid it will rain.