it feels much like being sun-burnt whereby your skin will naturally shed anyway. to accelerate the shedding process , i peel and peel and peel... & it kinda addicitve. ahahah. is it gross or what... but i cant wait to have baby feet.
i pretty much completed all the peeling but i still have conified layers at the sole.
oh-well... i did have a VERY VERY VERY deep layer of dead skin to begin. overall, the japanese are fab! its painless & not as gross as i had anticipated. i anticpated ... bits and pieces of dead skin flaking as you walk. but it's not like that. phew.
& i bought a leather jacket after much hunting and thanks to the mango sale. its the exact shade of brown which i want. the washing instructions that comes with it was .. FAB. because it says NO WASHING, NO Dry Cleaning even. hurhurhurhur. suits me to a t.
but i have to say. the leather is squeaking as i move. i wonder how much does it take to break into the shape and be seasoned into butter soft leather??
& i am sick! it is like the first time i am sick while having public holidays/weekends. what a let down cause i cancelled plans which i made way in advance and i've yet to see my bf in this week. sigh sigh sigh. he doesnt have it easy, cause he worked till 1am on xmas eve to meet his project deadline.
all i can do- hope that his co wins the project bidding after all his hard work!