Went to jovis's one year old birthday bash!!
Alysa says she is going to europe at the end of the year! I am definitely jealous and envious and will be planning a shopping list for her to see if she can help buy some lust items. HAH.

Best friends forever! & no... none of us wanna count the years we had been friends.
I like 黄丽玲's songs (some anyway). Powerful, emotive & catchy- I am humming it always non-stop & look forward to K-ing her songs!
I like the k-drama Prosecutor Princess. I only watch 4 episodes but typically i bet, in essence, it will be how the rich, spoilt female leads who always screws up as a prosecutor rise from the ashes and become a good Prosecutor in the end. (not that I read the show's synopsis).Throw in 2 dashing male leads & you have a addictive love triangle to speculate. So i end up wondering, why do 2 such perfect guys end up fighting over 1 not-so-perfect spoilt rich lady whose biggest fear in life is that her daddy will burn away her entire walk-in closet.
Sigh. You can blame the rest of the mere female mortals for dreaminsg abt perfect prince charming.
Not that prince charming exists.
I admire my another colleague who is single and self-declared looking out and putting her words into action. i think its takes so much guts and bravery just to voice out the fact that, yes, I NEED A MAN IN MY LIFE! She deserves to be rewarded just for the fact that she is brave enought to say that out loud in a non whining manner!