Thursday, June 09, 2011


sad to say, i feel like i have only colleagues made at cv and none of any friends.

unlike sls. but that is just pure luck. cv is reality- that is the way it is. if I don't stand up for myself, no one else will. that's why i will always reply an email that marks me down unreasonably. even if it comes from a manager. if it comes from a manager, all the more i need to i need to correct their fallacies.

it is an eye opener to hear the finance mgr scream n scold like a old female chinese teacher. tragic.

anyway... my luck or fate or life, is not bad. been sent to bkk for 9 days of training due to the merger. the integration period is an eye opening experience. using 2 laptops. learning new processess. and speaking a different lingo. the new ppl i met and remembered are quite cool. they are the big shots like GMs and managers of other countries... maybe i will leave good impression such that they will ask for me to do an internal transfer. WOO HOOOO.

but still, no one's job is secured untill you get a letter of appointment. I THINK. i might not need to tender. i may be retrenched.

may be up . may be down. but it is how you make the best out of it that matters.