Hi, people. my name is eve. i am in Yr 3, studyin DMSM. what about you?
that was how i started my second ateam camp. as one of the facilitators.
actually it started way before hand. we went one day early coz we were the facs... the ones who r gonna prepare all the fun for the campers.
we get to sleep early on the first night! guess who went to sleep first... no prizes for guessin right though. Ha.
if the expecatations r low, u r less likely to be disappointed... so i guess i am not disappointed in the camp. At all. its like so mega fun! i like being a facilitator, hanging with the blue shirts, coz they happen to be SoOOoO simply funnyy.
we cant finish dinner coZ we spent too much llufffing away.
and i made ice milo with orange flavoured ice cubes. they r SOOoO nice. they drank it just to ... keep their promise. avoid letting me down. feel a bit touched.=)
the grp of us had war paint on our face as part of a crazy idea for our performance. VERY funny.
and i spoilt my specs in the process. the right side of the frame BROKE. broke it as i crouched down on the way to hide myself from the campers before the perfomance.
will be making new ones soon!
and there is a kind of misguided pleasure in watchin people eat a big slice of watermelon without spoon or hands. HAH.
i was so very lazy after the camp to take the public transport. so i just tried callin my brother to fetch me. and he did!!!!!!!!! *omg. i am shocked. i am touched by his nice-ness. coz his workplace isnt that on-the-way.
n i had 5 missed calls from him just coz that i couldnt recognise the ringing sound whic came from my phone. n he still called me til i answered. So Nice.
there is so many ppl to be thankful to... maria for treatin breakfast. the campers for being enthu( altho they r highly competitive). the people who r so funny to be with... take a loooonng time if i were to name them individually, so i better dun start.
n i am an eagle.=)