after ty showed me some stuff on Photoshop, went for supper at Maxwell food centre. coutesy of Joseph. could have taken pictures. but he brought a along a 3.2 mp digicam with no memory stick. effectively, he brought no camera. and my phone died on me.
woodlands's like, really uber ulu. HAHAHAH. no1 knows which road leads to wdl. lucky Sg road signs r plenty and one of them leads to wdl. lucky he can claim petrol.
there he shared some crushee-troubles stories. one lucky dude whom some pretty gal had fallen for. the pretty gal had even taken the first move only to be rejected by him! but still, she doesnt give up. still continue to do things for him. perhaps hoping to move him, to touch his heart and melt his guard. eh... i duno lah. anyhow say one. hahahaha. but this girl is really admirable. brave, courageous and determined. qualities that i reallllllly admire for i would never had such guts when it comes to a boy.
but too bad. she still faced such cruelty in the end.
why is it that i can remenber wat u did and forgotten what i had done?
our dpt went to shop n save together last fri. hahaha. i felt as though i was out with my parents... that i could take whatever i want and AM will pay for it. hahah. no la. i restrained.i controlled. i succeeded in behaving properly.
i changed place. AM sometimes yelled over to me. it could be so embarrassing... imagine she yelling what mistake i had committed and other dpt could know as well...=S.
i counted. i have been sitting at 3 diff places. that means, i changed place and telephone no every 2 months. amazing statistics.
i think i want attachment to FASTER end. its been months yet i still wished i dun need to wake up at six.>,<