starting tomorrow, there is really only 10 working days left. what can happen in these 10 working days? really duno, but must be on best best possible behavoir!!!
one thing for sure, after the 2 weeks , i will have to join the workforce whether i am ready or not. i am a unofficial grad... i guess i will be joining the workforce as an umemployed.
huh-huh. unemployed leh. sadly, i just registered for my part time degree course. cant afford to be jobless for 2 long even tho i have severe nuah-ness inside me.
okay, before i forget , i dedicate the following space to my very nice managers i encountered. they looked out for me, believe in me , nurture me and forgive me for the undeliberate mistakes i had committed. i really can thank them no enough leh. hahaha.
and i believe they had shaped my character with their words, attitude and actions. so i thank them for being a positive role models whom i can learn from.
i am reallly glad that i had never had horrid managers in my life, as heard from horror stories from other colleagues.
the most classic one is the M-O horror stories. hahaha... hearing these true accounts made me thank my lucky stars above. today i short monee when i cashiering. perhaps my tiredness showed. manager allowed me to go home since i only left 1 h, n there is more than enuf crew to go ard. i got this one extra hour to blog and then work on the stupid work i brought home from work to work on.
lol. haix. back to zhong-dian of this post. i will be an unemployed after 2 weeks.
oh there is a really nice lady from one of the many sister-companies. her name is Mag Yip and i want to thank her for her nice word, encouragement and offer of help. hhahaha. she said i can look for her if i need help finding a job. but knowing my character, that is not gonna happen lah.
nuah a bit and see how.