and it is SO SO SO FREAKING PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!.@#$%^PAIN.
delibrately went to buy some mask to pamper my thoroughly spoilt, irritated and damaged skin.
first day of work... the other new girl has the same initials as mi. so it confused them a bit. eh... i feel like it really is internship PART TWO. *HORROR music in the backgrd.
so many freaky freaky deja-vu similiarities.
1. 2 new girl at the same time with some pun on their names. this time, we share the same initials and the first 2 letters of our first names.
2. She is older than me.
3. my direct supervisor is called... MICHELLE. AGAIN!!!!!!!
4. my marketing manager is LEAVING THE COMPANY REAL SOON. AGAIN.
5. it is a six month contract, strictly speakin.
my friend said tht first day is the best. u dun really have any work to do. LOL.he is really right.
overall, the ppl there r quite nice. no airs. i like the HR in charge too!! she is like, the equivallent of chee kheng. bery friendly and wise. hahaha.
gambattenekudaisai!!!! must work hard. work smart. open eye and ear big big!!!!!