clockwise startin from man in green- 1: AhmadSyazwanbinAhmadKhalis 2:AlexShiehJunFa 3:AhHoYiTing 4:EveGohHuiBee 5:NgKhuanKungKei 6:GiangShiYuKelly 7:AngQianTingMaxine 8:DanielGohChinTeck!!!!!!!! our ninth member is RachelNgTzeYuan but unfortunately she couldnt be there with us due to church/production n i am not gd nuf to photoshop her face over ... ... BLEAH. lol.

why does this picture look so nice? coz the one who should also be inside took this!! million thanks to dear chinny! this is the pic where eve struck a model -like pose... for the first time ever leh.
okay, these r the most important pictures of them all. with them around me, i've got 8 fantastic ppl to turn to when i need some support n ears to bitch to n ... whatever else. hahaha. though now, its subjected to availabilty, i guess. lol.