Saturday, June 30, 2007
currency trading
thank u ah-ho for helpin me ask the monee changer at lucky plaza.
i passed commercial law nicely. i passed accounting with less than ten marks. haiz. despite taking leave to study for it.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
the doc says my blood pressure is healthy. and i am not anaemic. that fainting thing was a freak accident probably coz the breakfast i ate wasnt digested n broken down into the blood stream yet.
yesterday i saw Dennis in the train. but between me and him was a lot of other people , so i couldnt play catch up with him. i wasnt sure if it were him. just tried my luck to catch his eye and see how. But he always look at the opp direction.
finally i saw him lookin at mi, n he tried to look away when he realize i know he is looking and it was just so stupid, he couldn't even managed a HI??!! whats the shyness about? dun geddit. but i smiled at him in the ridiculousness of it all. he smiled back, so yah, it wasnt a case of mistaken identity. something nvr change. i think he is still as wooden as ever. lol. too engrossed in his passion... (robotics) to practise social etiquette. lol.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
window shopping N high tea

but our wavelength damm similar, esp when compare to other colleagues. wah seh, talk toXXX can puke blood sometimes leh. *breathe in, breathe out. ** it doesnt matter, just one ear in one ear out, dun remember ridiculous anything XXX says. life will be easier n u can live with XXX's slightly off wavelength. hahahaaaaaaaaa.
my PRIMARY SCHOOL mate. she so over-intelligent, simple things in everyday life, she cannot geddit ah! hahahaha. i windowed shop with her today. she bery small size, small boned, small face, so purposely ask her stand in front of mi, so my face size is less obvious.
p.s she is wearing Acuvue Define. i think it works. lol.
and i fall in the train while on the way to Rave for my hair cut, too dizzy from standing for 30 min n so many ppl, so crowded, lack of oxygen, lost balance when train jerked to a stop. got a small blue black to show for it which i initially thot i got it from ah ho's elbowing... hahah. think its not ah-ho la.
i think i am quite a serious anaemic.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
personnal shopper-ing
we bumped into KK, Syaz n Teckie!!! at the steps of Taka. nice surprise! KK's head was a must touch since he recently shaved it.
i think, personal shopping is fun. u help ppl pick out clothes, watch them try n wait for them pay for their new conquests. the feeling is ... you get to help people to do something wonderful! hahaha.
esp since now i cant shop, helpin my colleague to shop is just as good, i guess.
my mom has told me that she prefer me to gift wrap myself for my future husband if ya know what it means. but erm... who cares abt gift wrapping now??!!
anyway, i am still a single gal after so long, so i wanna assure my mama she has nothing to worry about.
my friend told me not to string him along. yah. i am not and will not, but if he choose to intrepret things wishfully at this stage, what am i supposed to do. i mean, sometimes u might grow to love some1 unknowingly, n god knows if it will happen to me, so i am just saying, the future is open-ended. as of now, i dun love/like him. but i duno abt the future. maybe he might just managed to worm his way into my heart. but ... most likely... not. hahahaaaaa.
n i reallllly feel for KT. a pretty girl with a decent heart and yet she always KANA til heart is so thrashed. i agree with her, so what if u have looks, and there r guys wooing u when the one u really like, does not reciporate?
she would be most jealous of a plain jane with a plain joe madly in love.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
at the eleventh hour
anyway, the working style i am under is also considered eleventh hour.
it creates great sense of urgency. must be fast and accurate. everything need to go by the next few hours. haix. this week, i learnt not to be act smart, just follow instructions. lucky boss nvr blow her top or even say i act-smart.
anyway, i wont act this way again.
spend approximately 15 min laughing at my colleagues who doesnt know the meaning of baby shower, i mean, he confused it with baptism, can ??!!! and it turned out that most of them didnt know whats baby shower ( NO, its NOT to see a baby literately showering.) Engel, our marketing director even sent a mail to our guy colleagues to educate them whats a baby shower.
majorly funny. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
exam is over. equals summmer sch is over. no more juggling work n sch for the next 2 months. YES!!!!! boss will be away for 8 days, overseas. stufff which need her signature come to a standstill. too bad la. when boss comes back, i think she also have a vacation break.
when her vacation break is over... its MY TURN. hheeeheee.
time flies. already 2 months. HR dpt so nice to let us take paid leave already instead of the stipulated 3 months.
i am thinkin, the next i go shoppin, i will bring my own carrier bag. unless the shop's carrier is damm nice la. hahaahaaaaaaa.
Monday, June 11, 2007
not cut out for it
i realize that i am not cut out for full time work n part time study. night time is not the most condusive for me. i am so ... procastinating towards studying.i rather comb my hair, stare at tv, sit on toilet , play msn, blog(such as now) rather than look at my notes. knowing full well the more i procastinate, the less time i have to memorise my notes.
random thoughts...
you know, love can be such a scary thing? it can change people so thoroughly. it pushes them to do things they didnt originally set out to do, with a crazed, fierce look in their eyes whether they know it or not. it. their emotions are not balanced. they are hurt too deep. and it just make everything scary abt them at that single moment when they had forgotten to keep their emotions in check.
so what do one do when he/she has fallen out of love? and not fall into an exteme way of dealing with it? i.e how do you refrain from committing suicide and other forms of self abuse? when u dumped cruelly out of love, broken up from the some1 u wanted wholeheartedly to be with?
how do you be happy again? how do you refrain from talking abt the same person years and years later?
wounds on the flesh can heal. how do the heart and soul heal?
how do you stop to smell the flowers and learn how to be happy again without the love of that of man and woman? which is the one thing u never crave more for.
maybe some1 should study the heart n prescribe some hormones to make the heart feel better so that poeple can crawl their way out of perpeptual heartache just like aspirin make headache go away.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
learning law
the examples he gave to illlustrate all those laws, are picked from everyday life but delivered in a humourous angle. u have to give him credit for making law lecture, constantly filled with laughter. thanks to his singlish, hokkien, cantonese, french and exagerate Rolling Rs.
An ex-criminal lawyer with friends in the legal, illegal and entertainment circle, it is a learning experience just listening to him talk. literately! the deep dark secret... or gossip, haha, he shared were ... insightful to say the least.
morale of some of the stories he told: what u dont see, does not mean it doesnt exist.
thank you for makin law so easy to absorb. thank you for being so hilarious!=D
friday night, went to Isommnia Bar, coz Baraclava was too packed. n later i found out the age limit at Bara is 25!!!!!!!?????
at I., the live band is not bad, n the music they picked was good. was there coz it was a gathering with the ex MD of hella. not that we sat in a circle and had a good talk. the music was too loud to talk and every1 was standing in clusters anyway.
i am so looking forward to grad day!!!!!!! cant wait to see the friends, and also most significantly,
i will be flyin to thailand that very day!!!!!!!! ... er night, would be more accurate. heehee.
Monday, June 04, 2007
exam stress
ACCOUNTING IS SO DAMM HARD. maybe i am too dumb for accounting... argh. not true not true. i just have to revise n study n concentrate. n motivate myself. n sleep lesser. i actually wake up today, havin accounting as the first thing on my mind. or the lack of accounting knowledge as the first thing on my mind. =S
somehow, ppl at hella have stomache virus or something. they keep LS-ing!! poor thing. my mgr n another colleague took mc despite making the effort to come for work.
just watch shrek with sec sch friends. not bad not fantastic not as funny as the previous 2. same fate as spiderman n pirates.
have plans to go bangkok but now riots. means can dun go n save monee. haiz. y like that?
Saturday, June 02, 2007
accounting class... again
its a refresher course, n it makes mi wonder... HOW DID I MANAGE TO PASS ACCOUNTING LAST TIME?? hahaha. wendy's cake shop? any1? maybe it was just because the teacher was gd.
after lesson, we went to marina square. kt wanted to use toilet. so i waited for her near the handicapped toilet. for... very long. long queue for the ladies. n the handicapped toilet remained in use for just as long. was it really a handicapped personnel, therefore he needed more time.
already 10-15 min, n i was still waiting. i was waiting to see who was taking so LONG!!!!
then. finally, a girl stepped. she looked not happy. behind her, a guy came out. i was staring at these 2 inconsiderate pieces of shit. they didnt act at all couple-ish. went seperate ways even.
so... WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?? first time i witnessed a quickie in public toilet during peak hours. n the handicapped toilet was in a secluded corner either.
total disgust.
cant u get a room?
and it was yet another shopping trip. lalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.