Mr Adrain is our commercial law lecturer and he is SUCH A SUPER UBER HILIAARIOUS and effective lecturer.
the examples he gave to illlustrate all those laws, are picked from everyday life but delivered in a humourous angle. u have to give him credit for making law lecture, constantly filled with laughter. thanks to his singlish, hokkien, cantonese, french and exagerate Rolling Rs.
An ex-criminal lawyer with friends in the legal, illegal and entertainment circle, it is a learning experience just listening to him talk. literately! the deep dark secret... or gossip, haha, he shared were ... insightful to say the least.
morale of some of the stories he told: what u dont see, does not mean it doesnt exist.
thank you for makin law so easy to absorb. thank you for being so hilarious!=D
friday night, went to Isommnia Bar, coz Baraclava was too packed. n later i found out the age limit at Bara is 25!!!!!!!?????
at I., the live band is not bad, n the music they picked was good. was there coz it was a gathering with the ex MD of hella. not that we sat in a circle and had a good talk. the music was too loud to talk and every1 was standing in clusters anyway.
i am so looking forward to grad day!!!!!!! cant wait to see the friends, and also most significantly,
i will be flyin to thailand that very day!!!!!!!! ... er night, would be more accurate. heehee.