this is our second graduation together already. i dun think i have any pic from the secondary school graduation though. it takes 7 years for 2 graduations. graduate from teens to young adults from young adult to a young woman, huh? lol. and anyway if got sec sch pics also dunwan let u all see. hahaha. dun spoil my current image with ugly specs n makeup less face. yah, i think i am a girl who needs makeup to look more presentable.

has anything changed? i duno, she is the way i remember her to be. but hor, sadly there wont be a 3rd graduation together. that distinction will ... go to kelly giang! hahahahahaha. surprise, surprise. i will jam my blog with Firewire pics too. after this sat though. heehee. kekekekekke. whats is 4 or eh, 10, compared to the 100s we took? kekekekekekekek.