i feel happy. i am happy. i am delirious with my happiness n excitement. whhahahahaahahah.
this is because... i am finally doing Work. Work which makes mi feel alive and makes my life more enriched. wHoo-HOOOOO.
i feel so excited knowing that i can learn so much with what i am gonna do. michelle might be jaded by this time, but i am the fresh greenhorn, eager to learn!! SOOO exciting!!!!! do presentations for marketing plans, dig out facts n figures abt the industry... come up with promo mechanics.... etc etc.
today is the first time my hands r tired from all the typing for work related stuff. haha.
mi n michelle even said the same thing at the same time. hee. means mi n boss can be on the same wavelength. kinda comforted by this ...
but whatever it is, i hope i dun fall flat on my face by not being able to deliver.