Thanks Zaw! i ought not to be an ingrateful brat who only knows how to recieve and take esp in the case of him. i have to send something back to him to show my thanks and appreciation but I dunno what. i can't send him toilet cleaner, can I? ( i face toilet cleaner everyday. Random, i know)
thanks thanks thanks. not having much of a gathering this yr. so i appreciate the people who remembered and prepared something even more!
he gave a box of Bernard Callebaut chocoates. i never know this brand before but on the box, stuck a sticker proudly exclaiming it was a winner of a chocolate festival. eh... okay. written in fancy scripts with even fancier packaging so i guess, it is in the Godiva league then.
i am reminded of the quote- life is like a box of chocolate. never know what the next chocolate taste like. i think those poor chocolate suffered a bumpy air plane ride tho. those intricately shaped chocolate stuff looked like they had a few dents. 
thanks for remembering me. i am touched. considering all that had happened. considering the mere distance. considering our not-very-close-yet-not-very-bad relationship. i love it.