whenever i see the current OCBC Mightsaver Ad, i just feel irked and pissed off.
i feel that the message it is sending just kinda degrades the female populations. and it degrades them right from they are just kids. as seem through my twenty-something-years-old mind. (not sure about what the kids think though, would be interesting to find out.)
i get that the core message is to encourage kids to save much as possible.
but isnt it for a rainy day, as my teachers advocated during my primary sch days???
now, the kid want to save up his money so that he is deemed qualified and eligible enough to ask his female classmate out!? Gosh! will the female classmate turned up her nose if she knows that the kid is not a mighty saver & doesnt have one hundred dollars(or should it be million?) in his bank?
why do they equate desirability with money? as though all girls make friends with boys based on how much they saved...?
i prefer saving for a rainy day over saving for a member of the opposite sex just so that he/she is impressed.
that is just dumb and materialistic. & implying that girls will choose bread over money any time any day!
the feminist in me.