it was exceptionally nice to eat this sukiyaki in the cool cold weather. overheard some uncle/auntie saying if they eat the same thing in Sg, they would be sweating loads unlike in Japan, where all they get is a nice warm fuzzy feeling in the stomache.
Example of our lunch/dinner... for about 2-3 days?

The sashimi boat. the second most expensive food that we spent on. it was fresh from fish market. apparently japanese dun bother serving stuff that are not fresh. even tho i just am not into sashimi... i can tell it is FRESH, SWEET and just pretty wonderful.
the yellow gluey mess was the flesh of sea urchin. gosh! i never thought i eat sea urchin and it tasted as gross as it looks. acquired taste, as people would say. which i havent acquired yet.
The freakin prawn was quite big and looked alive, esp the eyes. so black and shiny!! i can envision it swimming in the sea just what? 12 hours ago? i didnt dare eat it for a moment.
i just wanted to know what it feels like to eat ice cream in a cold cold place. even the cheapest ice cream i could find is creamy and soft. although it is not exactly dirt cheap after coversion. i think it cost 2 sgd.
collagen and those genki drinks aplentiful over there and i am glad spotted coke-plus-fibre over there! i like the idea of drinking fibre within good ole coke. they should launch it here in sg pronto!!
& japs love honeydew. i duno why.
hot corn soup was a hit within our tour groups esp after spending some time in low temperature. there were people who bought a couple of cans to bring back home. Gosh! as great as they are, i wouldnt be bringing back these home. campbell soup will do just fine.