After that, we went to Jalan Kayu to eat prata with LiHui, Caryn, Siti and Bifeng.
Did all of us change? I can only observe the appearance. Some discovered makeup and fashion.
I discovered low carb diet. Hurhurhur. But that doesnt mean i dont eat prata or have craving for milio dinosaur. Unfortunately, the milo dino wasnt good. SIGH.

My smiley face before i had a sip of the milo dino.

Kelly Giang mentioned that there is a really famous nasi bryani @ Northpoint. well, shame on me, i live near there for so long but i just nvr got to eat to it. so i went the next day! it was really long queue like, 10 persons in front of me. Luckily, their speed was askin to QSR.
Rice was individually fragrant ; portion OK, chicken comes with a spicy gravy- i LIKE! must be ten times better than the one at Jalan Kayu.

Head of Sales celebrated his 39th bday and we got him the balloon as per below. R.I.P Youth!! I will mourn you when my turn comes as well. but then, it is all in the state of mind. :D I just cant resist taking a picture with this. hurhurhurur.
April 17: it is a beautiful saturday. Had some shopping fun! we went for lunch at LENAS first and we were pleased with the food but not with the service.
the size of the mint lemon tea was ... eh... huge.

We shopped all way from Bugis to Suntec. Because i wanna go New Look! But New Look didnt have anything for me despite my faith in it. We shopped from 3pm to almost 10pm. hahahaha. Shopping is fun; my form of destress therapy and I am just 10000% shoppaholic!

Yup, I was assigned to just talk to them and "help"them in their physiotherapy. But the physiotherapist just wanted us to talk to them & motivate them to exercise. Talking to one of them in particular was pretty nerve wreaking cause he was a cynical old man.
well, it's true our visit is "for show"and we cant really help them in the way they wanted us to. perhaps we just have to admit that we are selfish and not samatarian enough on an individual level. but as least we particpated in this "show"? On a corporate basis, indeed it is for show, but ... how many of the corporation bother to organise such CSR activities? it is a good gesture. but if one choose to be cynical abou it, i can also see why it is not a good gesture at the end of it all. it's about half empty or half full cup.
Anyway, upon seeing them, it just made me treasure life now more! I wanna see the world while I am still an able bodied young healthy thing!
it's been on my mind, although it is way too early but my birthday present for myself next year will be a trip to Korea! hurhurhurhur. wish me luck for a good fat bonus.