i had my first shitty week because of my oversight which lead to us losing out the trade space.
feel shitty. but my boss seemed to take it easy. because maybe, shit just happens no matter how hard you try. at first i felt my colleagues were pretty evil; but i guess it is just the usual COA happening... & worse could be happening if i am somewhere else. so in all... they r not technically evil & i better not repeat this.
it is not enough to do things your best/ do things well but must still COA.
i learnt a lot of things, no doubt. i am (STILL) too careless. too not-paranoid. too bo-chap. things dont stick to my head after just listening to it once. i am using up notebooks at a faster rate. but i think i will be OK. what dont kill me makes me stronger. i'll just have to work longer and harder even if I DON"T LIKE IT!