my next motivation in life- Korea in Jan 11. which is about 4 months away. It is such a thrill to see Jan-dates listed in the travel packages cause it means it is not tooo far. it is a good medicine for my monday blues which is already kicking in at a time when i feel like i cant do anything right.
humans are such conflicting creatures... cause i feel time is too fast and too slow simulatanously.
Stephanie Meyers' new novel- The Host is food for thoughts. In this book, there are many other species of living things in the universe. Which I think is probably true. In this alien invasion, the aliens are actually peace loving and kind creatures except they look like worms and cant survive without a host bodies in other planets. Once they are inside a host bodies, they take over the bodies and erase the original personality within. It liks committing a personality-murder instead of physicial murder. Suddenly everyone who has the worm inside them is peaceloving, kind and honest.
cool, huh.