It is a place whereby u can customise your handburger; have good atmosphere and a good barrel of beer.

Wasnt impressed with my grilled chicked burger with mushroom & bacon. I prefer BK's Tenger grill.

Look at the Fat Bestard! thatis the name of the beef burger which was almost as tall as the cup of drink. Supplier ordered that & although haven a healthy big appertite, he managed to finish 80% after trying very hard.

to me, the highlight of the dinner was when the supplier mimicked my response ... till no end! It was hilarious & I really laughed till i teared.

Look at the Fat Bestard! thatis the name of the beef burger which was almost as tall as the cup of drink. Supplier ordered that & although haven a healthy big appertite, he managed to finish 80% after trying very hard.

to me, the highlight of the dinner was when the supplier mimicked my response ... till no end! It was hilarious & I really laughed till i teared.
I already know i am too straight & blunt. Somehow... I gotta this down further huh. I actually think I am pretty subdued here already.
My bosses here think I have potential to be a salesman. Maybe sometimes at the end of the day, what you do best in isnt really what you really like to do?