i love adele's voice! i would willing pay for her music & i did. kinda like, win some lose some. take some, give some. if i really like something, i will buy it. if not... i guess i will stick to downloading it. i have my morales & ethics... but just not a lot. haha. or they are not with me all the time.
i also wonder why didn't adele's company ask her to lose some weight. is it some strategy to truly make her stand out of the crowd. but i think it will be ideal for her to lose some weight just to be within the healthy bmi. she looks (pretty) enormous despite the photoshop... but i guess, if she truly lose weight (to be on the healthy & not skinny side) it will probably help sell a lot of magazines & tabloids. Milking her possible future story angles already.
and i just paid for a second chance to go strawberry fields again! with Ms Jasmine Ho. hehehehhe. i am pretty sure this time i will succeed in making my way there. Positivity helps!
Now i am comtemplating should i sign up for a one year yoga package... my muscles are still aching from my first hot yoga lesson at real yoga. thinking thinking... it is not so easy to make me part with me this much of $$ !!