Did u come across this word before? Do you happen to know the meaning? Do you know of any1 who is perverse? i chanced upon this word when i was readin a horroscope analysis of my sign( of course) and it was one of the words used to describe my sign.
along with stubborn, creative and sarcastic.
anyway, it means
willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary.
characterized by or proceeding from such a determination or disposition: a perverse mood.
wayward or cantankerous.
persistent or obstinate in what is wrong.
haha. so i guess its kinda true. like yesterday in the morning when i asked alex how capable was he in his CO to be able to skip his training without serious repercussions.
WHATA RUDEI&DIOTIC&EQ-less qustion to ask. C t totally showed disapproval ( "what kind of qt is this to ask ?! ")when i ask this qtn to alex. but alex seemingly is OK with the question. so y did i perversely, wilfully decided to go against what is desired, to ask this qtn?
coz, the person whom this qtn is directed to, appeared OK with it. was he upset? i hope not...coz there is logic in this qtn! if u r capable enuf, means u can afford to skip one session and still catch up. if not, its best nt to skip and conc on the prepping. its gd if say u r capable ... means u r really gd enuf lor, its ok to say u r not caapable enuf... i would understand u need to practise to be perfect for your performance!
of coz, there r also issues like responsiblity and sense of duty and commitment... regarding skippin cca session. but putting that aside, i thot the qtn was ok to be asked.
or maybe cause i felt that alex has been ard me for 3 years, he knows my eq-less personality so he could take it knowing there is no harm intended?
Friday, September 29, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
the moment of truth
i am going to ... MARSHALL CAVENDISH. a subsidiary under TIMES publishing. cause i had ticked the marketing catergory, afterall as my third choice.
yes, i appreciate this rule a lot.
yes, i appreciate this rule a lot.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
so true abt me
What's your personality love style?
Here is the analysis:
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
Are You Nosy?
Nosy Level: 60%
You may seem to be a nosy person to some people, but actually you are quite a serious person who's not at all interested in gossip. You just like to know what's going on around you. It's a natural interest and you can get offended when people tell you they think you're a sticky-beak.
The Squirrel
Here is the analysis:
You are very direct, which might freak them out. Something along the lines of "Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?" might slip from your lips.
How well do you react?
Here is the analysis:
Although you are emotional, you have full control of behavior. Being patient is your unique quality.
i think the above are all pretty true!
Here is the analysis:
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
Are You Nosy?
Nosy Level: 60%
You may seem to be a nosy person to some people, but actually you are quite a serious person who's not at all interested in gossip. You just like to know what's going on around you. It's a natural interest and you can get offended when people tell you they think you're a sticky-beak.
The Squirrel
Here is the analysis:
You are very direct, which might freak them out. Something along the lines of "Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?" might slip from your lips.
How well do you react?
Here is the analysis:
Although you are emotional, you have full control of behavior. Being patient is your unique quality.
i think the above are all pretty true!
my first show reel
no pain no gain, these six months has made the words very true.
i should honour them by making them THE motto of my life.
i had a lot of fun making my show reel. editing the clip to Christina Aguilera's voice made everything very enjoyable. though i was pretty stressed before it. BUT now ... i feel pretty good about my clip. HAH. i had learnt how to do things i never thought i would be interested to know how to do. i am proud of my show reel! proud of my maturing as a media student.
six months in TEP ( more or less ) has officially ended. tmr we will know the results of IPP which i guess is even more exciting about knowing your grades for the respective stopovers.
i am glad i worked with people i never worked before. it was a chance to know what sorts of different ppl existed instead of workin with my buddies and only thinkin about people superficially. ( i guess with me coming into contact with other ppl, more ppl HATE me!)
had it not been for this attachment i would have never work with Kaidi and co, i guess.
that 2 months had a lot of ups and downs but definitely was a period of time which i liked a lot. and learnt a lot. and stressed a lot.
i will always remenber Kaidi telling me "HEY eve, dont need to streesss! relacccc..." and me imitating (? ) loo lin subconsciously. her personality seeps into mine! guess i dont haf a strong personality afterall. ha, it was something abt that env that made me caught onto those mannerisms that they already had.
why would i want to be some1 else other than myself? " you r becoming like me and i am becoming like you! "
i should honour them by making them THE motto of my life.
i had a lot of fun making my show reel. editing the clip to Christina Aguilera's voice made everything very enjoyable. though i was pretty stressed before it. BUT now ... i feel pretty good about my clip. HAH. i had learnt how to do things i never thought i would be interested to know how to do. i am proud of my show reel! proud of my maturing as a media student.
six months in TEP ( more or less ) has officially ended. tmr we will know the results of IPP which i guess is even more exciting about knowing your grades for the respective stopovers.
i am glad i worked with people i never worked before. it was a chance to know what sorts of different ppl existed instead of workin with my buddies and only thinkin about people superficially. ( i guess with me coming into contact with other ppl, more ppl HATE me!)
had it not been for this attachment i would have never work with Kaidi and co, i guess.
that 2 months had a lot of ups and downs but definitely was a period of time which i liked a lot. and learnt a lot. and stressed a lot.
i will always remenber Kaidi telling me "HEY eve, dont need to streesss! relacccc..." and me imitating (? ) loo lin subconsciously. her personality seeps into mine! guess i dont haf a strong personality afterall. ha, it was something abt that env that made me caught onto those mannerisms that they already had.
why would i want to be some1 else other than myself? " you r becoming like me and i am becoming like you! "
Friday, September 22, 2006
while i was away
there is so many things to say!!!! but rachel told me to tell her first before i start...
for a short, cliffhanger conclusion, i can say that now i've got more people to loVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for the highlights, u can continue to read.
starting with world bank, what was my takeaway? weight gain lor! NYP SAO so kind, bought loads of snacks, and i have no self control regarding food, so i guess i have more of me again.
and they had goodie bags which contained thumbs to give away! * envious!
the 5 days of waking at 5+ am, wasnt a chore to me. i dont mind waking up early... if u wake up early, u have a longer day to enjoy. i thank the kind bus drivers who joked with me and tried to find me so that i wont miss the bus ( tho some would prefer the other way).
i guess u r diovorced? so i hope u can find your second spring soon! or just plain happiness.
the format of the forum was, to feed people every 2-3 hours. talks, dialogue and discussion sessions filled up the missing blanks in between.
everytime PF made the news, they would paste the articles up. self promotion.
was i looking forward to it? i was! kinda. ha. i knew it was gonna be fun.
our group was kinda tight... too tight even. * kana complaint.
our group was fun. PEPSI-COLA 123, any1 ? its good to know we can complete one round of the number game... finallly. this is the girl who digs her nose publicly, takes pictures of herself pressed again the window and the photocopier!!!!!
the walk to fisherman village was more fun than fishman village itself. theme 5 and everyone else there makes a good choir! think it would be better if it had been one big table instead of being sitted so far away from one another. ( too used to squeezing durin the mealtimes) too hard to talk! i felt like wearing my heels, in the end, i ended up wearing nothing( on my feet). too pain!
hence, eve is a hobbit. she dun need shoes.=)
while trying not to sleep before a talk, daniel ask me to present the exhibition to the minister, together with hao ren. no surprise there. missed the dialogues sessions with the minister. missed out on the talk-back session that terrence had. how often do u witness a student arguing with a minister?
but now i know the man who takes photographs is the same man who walks down the corridors on DMSM-TEP. but i still duno the details.
i helped my room mate make up for the D and D. hidden talent of mine! we had multiple chinese weddings in a single room. so many yam-seh-ing. did any one spoil his throat?
my 4th room mate with drew from PF due to family tragedies. 2 people gone in a day... thank god she was strong.
writing warm fuzzies, the last part of 5.2's program co. i wan to go to my didi's wedding, thanks!=P this bluffer kept confusing us with his age. and kept running away. p.s can i comission my showreel to u? i wish my mom had a third child. i kinda like being a sister! i absolutely loved critc-ing those videos!
i am glad people like our carnival. liked our song performance. every1 deserve the clap on the back esp eugenie. =) lets haf faith in our ideas and let them realize that they were wrong about us. =)
pity RP. fancy sch reopening on a thursday...
poor kat, who had such bad luck with room mates. but u have US!
we all need a hug now and then...
and we took abt 100 pictures! group of cam whoreS!
for a short, cliffhanger conclusion, i can say that now i've got more people to loVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for the highlights, u can continue to read.
starting with world bank, what was my takeaway? weight gain lor! NYP SAO so kind, bought loads of snacks, and i have no self control regarding food, so i guess i have more of me again.
and they had goodie bags which contained thumbs to give away! * envious!
the 5 days of waking at 5+ am, wasnt a chore to me. i dont mind waking up early... if u wake up early, u have a longer day to enjoy. i thank the kind bus drivers who joked with me and tried to find me so that i wont miss the bus ( tho some would prefer the other way).
i guess u r diovorced? so i hope u can find your second spring soon! or just plain happiness.
the format of the forum was, to feed people every 2-3 hours. talks, dialogue and discussion sessions filled up the missing blanks in between.
everytime PF made the news, they would paste the articles up. self promotion.
was i looking forward to it? i was! kinda. ha. i knew it was gonna be fun.
our group was kinda tight... too tight even. * kana complaint.
our group was fun. PEPSI-COLA 123, any1 ? its good to know we can complete one round of the number game... finallly. this is the girl who digs her nose publicly, takes pictures of herself pressed again the window and the photocopier!!!!!
the walk to fisherman village was more fun than fishman village itself. theme 5 and everyone else there makes a good choir! think it would be better if it had been one big table instead of being sitted so far away from one another. ( too used to squeezing durin the mealtimes) too hard to talk! i felt like wearing my heels, in the end, i ended up wearing nothing( on my feet). too pain!
hence, eve is a hobbit. she dun need shoes.=)
while trying not to sleep before a talk, daniel ask me to present the exhibition to the minister, together with hao ren. no surprise there. missed the dialogues sessions with the minister. missed out on the talk-back session that terrence had. how often do u witness a student arguing with a minister?
but now i know the man who takes photographs is the same man who walks down the corridors on DMSM-TEP. but i still duno the details.
i helped my room mate make up for the D and D. hidden talent of mine! we had multiple chinese weddings in a single room. so many yam-seh-ing. did any one spoil his throat?
my 4th room mate with drew from PF due to family tragedies. 2 people gone in a day... thank god she was strong.
writing warm fuzzies, the last part of 5.2's program co. i wan to go to my didi's wedding, thanks!=P this bluffer kept confusing us with his age. and kept running away. p.s can i comission my showreel to u? i wish my mom had a third child. i kinda like being a sister! i absolutely loved critc-ing those videos!
and BAD DAY MV NOW has a 5 stars rating. cause we wanted to watch it in the chalet and it kept laggin and we kept in the end, we couldnt even get to the chorus. BUT its impressive enough! at least they liked it.=)
i am glad people like our carnival. liked our song performance. every1 deserve the clap on the back esp eugenie. =) lets haf faith in our ideas and let them realize that they were wrong about us. =)
pity RP. fancy sch reopening on a thursday...
poor kat, who had such bad luck with room mates. but u have US!
we all need a hug now and then...
and we took abt 100 pictures! group of cam whoreS!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
back when i was younger, i used to get locked out of my room if i'd done something naughty. i would cry and sob to get my parents to open the door and lemme go in. i begged them and promised i wouldnt do it again.
no dignity at all. ( pushing aside the fact that it was a deserved punishment)
no pride at all. with eyes watching this poor naughty kid who gets locked out. the poor kid does feel the shame. thats y lessons r leant so effectively.
now if i would were to get locked out i would stay out until u beg me to come back.
my first shift at IMF was all right. pleaseant even. each bus has a bust host and a police officer. i met two officers in my bus and they were all media workers! one used to be in discovery programming and the other , currently a photo editor at straits time. would love to ask a lot about the media scene but then again i dun wan to appear nosy and interrupt their walkie talkie conversations.
and i want to declare that NYP HAS THE BEST SA Officers EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! we are so fortunate to have them!!!! they prepared so many stuff for us! food and drink and games! games ... not so sure lah. HAHAHA.
i am testing my determination now.
no dignity at all. ( pushing aside the fact that it was a deserved punishment)
no pride at all. with eyes watching this poor naughty kid who gets locked out. the poor kid does feel the shame. thats y lessons r leant so effectively.
now if i would were to get locked out i would stay out until u beg me to come back.
my first shift at IMF was all right. pleaseant even. each bus has a bust host and a police officer. i met two officers in my bus and they were all media workers! one used to be in discovery programming and the other , currently a photo editor at straits time. would love to ask a lot about the media scene but then again i dun wan to appear nosy and interrupt their walkie talkie conversations.
and i want to declare that NYP HAS THE BEST SA Officers EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! we are so fortunate to have them!!!! they prepared so many stuff for us! food and drink and games! games ... not so sure lah. HAHAHA.
i am testing my determination now.
Monday, September 11, 2006
bad things that happened to me within the last week.
( not in order of bad-ness)
1. NEW phone dropped and scratched... not by me. AGAIN. other people can flush other people's hp down the toilet literately if the same thing happens while i can only flush my anger down the toilet.
2. Manager make noise about me being late.
3.Inconvenient IMF reporting place AND time.
4.Waking up and going to a last -minute -cancelled PF meeting. which i didnt know. and now we dun have a new idea. and i have no time to contribute to them anymore and anyway.
5. IT RAINED ON THE THIRD EPISODE ... AGAIN! made it all the way to lab park and 4 NGs. and once we reached HF mrt,40 mintutes later, it never rained anymore.
i hate times like this. the only good thing about being way down is that you can only go up. everything can go wrong, most probably will go wrong. so what if i care... there is only more disappoinment. so what if things were planned and promised... shit always crops up and expectations dashed, things dont turn out the same way, and apologies dun make a difference.
only turning back the hands of time back, can.
( not in order of bad-ness)
1. NEW phone dropped and scratched... not by me. AGAIN. other people can flush other people's hp down the toilet literately if the same thing happens while i can only flush my anger down the toilet.
2. Manager make noise about me being late.
3.Inconvenient IMF reporting place AND time.
4.Waking up and going to a last -minute -cancelled PF meeting. which i didnt know. and now we dun have a new idea. and i have no time to contribute to them anymore and anyway.
5. IT RAINED ON THE THIRD EPISODE ... AGAIN! made it all the way to lab park and 4 NGs. and once we reached HF mrt,40 mintutes later, it never rained anymore.
i hate times like this. the only good thing about being way down is that you can only go up. everything can go wrong, most probably will go wrong. so what if i care... there is only more disappoinment. so what if things were planned and promised... shit always crops up and expectations dashed, things dont turn out the same way, and apologies dun make a difference.
only turning back the hands of time back, can.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
i cant help it
i cant help it... i was too nervous, i was insecure , i was not confident, i was not steady.
i cant help it... i am disappointed with my self.=(
because i know i can do better than that.
i cant help it... i am disappointed with my self.=(
because i know i can do better than that.
Friday, September 08, 2006
(not very) SUrpRISED!!!!!!!!!
arts and crafts sessioned occured after a ... 3-5 years absense! but skills r not lost, of course!
so while they did the card, guess who did the food! K and M! and me and KK... we were more like assisstants i guess. but the sandwiches were reallllllly nice. esp the toasted ones.
she not very unprepared. hm. she saw our sneaky shadows earlier and was guarded already i guess.
no product placement intended. and this is the empress looking at her (cast's) new dress.

so while they did the card, guess who did the food! K and M! and me and KK... we were more like assisstants i guess. but the sandwiches were reallllllly nice. esp the toasted ones.

she not very unprepared. hm. she saw our sneaky shadows earlier and was guarded already i guess.

supper with P-paLS!
supper with my pals from PM. at chomp chomp. petrol, courtesy of the older guy, of course! and we each ordered something for all of us!
they cant wait to start! as usual. even tho they had dinner already.

the satay looked absolutely delicious! hahahaha! i've got good taste!
it looks good and taste as good. not like the following dish...
the black burnt-looking chicken wings were ordered by joseph(ine)~@@!!!
no fine presentation ...
but it was goes really well with the spicy
sour chili!

this was the original reason why we went there in the first place... the beancurd endosed by jasmine. even tho jasmine was not the reason why we went there lah.
i liked mine original with nothing on top... they liked theirs with yam paste. so sweeeeeeet. like, ew?
a relatively short trip... but loads of laughter as we listened to josephine's sch daze and army stories. and embarrassing stories. he was particularly talkative that day. then he had to send me home also... and sorry lah... i dun recognise my neighborhood once they are 1km outside the radius of my own block... ha.

the satay looked absolutely delicious! hahahaha! i've got good taste!
it looks good and taste as good. not like the following dish...

no fine presentation ...
but it was goes really well with the spicy
sour chili!

this was the original reason why we went there in the first place... the beancurd endosed by jasmine. even tho jasmine was not the reason why we went there lah.
i liked mine original with nothing on top... they liked theirs with yam paste. so sweeeeeeet. like, ew?
a relatively short trip... but loads of laughter as we listened to josephine's sch daze and army stories. and embarrassing stories. he was particularly talkative that day. then he had to send me home also... and sorry lah... i dun recognise my neighborhood once they are 1km outside the radius of my own block... ha.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
south canteen and a 19th birthday

and i will miss south canteen with the claypot rice and bubble tea and the aftermath of a bloated stomache.

another priceless expression( in the backgrd) by another friend.
2 gals and a hairdresser

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