posing for a picture with the girl with the new fringe.

everyone IS VAIN! muahahahahaha.

the first production our crew had was at botanical gardens. a hot day. we were all tired and sunburnt and whatnot... where r the talents?! lol. but we managed to have a picnic with our props and over priced drinks. BEFORE what u see here...

this was a collage which i haf no hand in. i was sick... mc 2 days and i missed out on this art session and filming of junyang concert. sadly. i really would love to help in it. they did such a great job, yah? too bad it didnt have its deserved 15 sec of fame. but who cares? lol. i conclude that i liked workin with them despite e differences and circumstances. its ... nice to work with no script , no planning , no tripod and little words...