Friday, September 29, 2006

perversity in my nature


Did u come across this word before? Do you happen to know the meaning? Do you know of any1 who is perverse? i chanced upon this word when i was readin a horroscope analysis of my sign( of course) and it was one of the words used to describe my sign.

along with stubborn, creative and sarcastic.


anyway, it means
willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary.
characterized by or proceeding from such a determination or disposition: a perverse mood.
wayward or cantankerous.
persistent or obstinate in what is wrong.

haha. so i guess its kinda true. like yesterday in the morning when i asked alex how capable was he in his CO to be able to skip his training without serious repercussions.

WHATA RUDEI&DIOTIC&EQ-less qustion to ask. C t totally showed disapproval ( "what kind of qt is this to ask ?! ")when i ask this qtn to alex. but alex seemingly is OK with the question. so y did i perversely, wilfully decided to go against what is desired, to ask this qtn?

coz, the person whom this qtn is directed to, appeared OK with it. was he upset? i hope not...coz there is logic in this qtn! if u r capable enuf, means u can afford to skip one session and still catch up. if not, its best nt to skip and conc on the prepping. its gd if say u r capable ... means u r really gd enuf lor, its ok to say u r not caapable enuf... i would understand u need to practise to be perfect for your performance!

of coz, there r also issues like responsiblity and sense of duty and commitment... regarding skippin cca session. but putting that aside, i thot the qtn was ok to be asked.

or maybe cause i felt that alex has been ard me for 3 years, he knows my eq-less personality so he could take it knowing there is no harm intended?