print team is still rushing to tie up all the loose ends. think they will be continuing to tie up loose ends on monday.
we tried to do somethin special on the last day of sch. we ...went to botak jones!
hahaha! all of us except for ahmed syazwan, nothing can stand in the way of true love

i like how his specs reflect the light... HAHA.
anyway... i went to the provision shop to buy 100plus next to the coffee shop and the uncle actually spend 10 mins talking to me about a newspaper article in My Paper ( that chinese freesheet).
i was kinda amazed that he would spend 10 mins talkin to me. a total stranger who wasnt that interested to learn in depth about what he was gonna say.
he actually read out the entire article with me helpin to read too, so that i can read finish that thing faster.
patience is gd. so is respect for elders. if not i wouldnt know of this interesting article.
the short article was about living your life so that everyday count. essentially it preaches that one should refrain from procastinating if not you risk not achieving anything in the end.
i have to say he is bery very nice to point out this article to me. it was pretty inspiring. make evryday count if not you might end up not living after all.
all talk and no action is just plain laziness and passion-less. passion seems like a word which is recurring too often. it probably was heard by us in the poly forum 10 thousand and 350 times.
i want to have passion too. but i duno what my passion will be. isnt it good to have a passion to give u a direction in life? to know what u want to do and work towards it. instead of getting a job, a salary and work towards the day u die.
so... i am really glad i got to meet Eugenie. i will be doing volunteer work at ( one of ) her NPOs. in the name of team strawberry lah. haha . like dat more fun. but its not a passion yt. just something i can do to contribute back to... whoever and whatever.

the last day of tep ended with a surprise.
kaidi & arshade actually went ard shaking ppl's hand.
even wake me up to say bye.
i appreciated that. i hope arshad has decided to fogive and forget.
my last words in TEP will be
Bye Bye, people. Good luck in ur future endeavors.
dun think i will have the chance to meet 27 of u in a single room anymore... at least not easily.