Tuesday, August 29, 2006

canon dv

our cannon dv production... it was a project among the 9 of us.

they like to say the bigger the group, the more the conflicts? after all, too many cooks spoil the broth.

but i could safely tell people that despite our large no, despite our disagreements due to different opinions, unhappiness or whateve negative things we feel, we r always able to thrash things out in a reasonable way... ( it only takes a meeting.)

we would not habour any bad blood between us after that and our friendships would not be affected in the slightest way.

the broth isnt spoilt in the slightest way.

we are always careful to put ourselves in others' shoes ,try to remenber to think for the others, to be as considerate as possible, allow room to learn from mistakes, to explain to those who dun understand , to tolerate the occassional mood swings... etc etc...

we dun demand explanation. we help each other out as best as we could.we accomodate. we correct each other if one is wrong, and the one who is being corrected is usually grateful for it.( at least i know i am)

and we forgive and forget!

that is why we r still such great friends!... ... i hope!