if people chance upon/dig out/look for/happened to read blog entries long ago... and then find it offensive/hurtful/untrue...
i can only offer sincere apologies.
as e blog title already suggests, welcome to my world of imperfections. if i had to choose words carefully. might as well just shut it down.
i am careless and i say thoughless stuff, do thoughtless things. i change my mind and opinions at quite a frequent rate.
my opinion can be wrong. extremely wrong. i can come across as mean.
so i will learn my mistake.
i get this all thrashed out and conc on meetin the dl. and hope for the best.
thats the problem with" free speech". no1 said that what i think is right anyway.i am bery brave when it comes to admiting mistake.
its so...................... when i offend people without meaning to.=(