yes. we will be learning aVid after all. after 2 years of promise. i guess we should be satisfied when promises r kept.
some girls r such funny creatures.
his gf actually talk to me in msn, and i had to use my lousy hanyupinyin to talk to her. and she , to me, gloated abt having him.
ta shi wo de le.
ehm right. it struck me as an insecure statement. insecurites... part and parcel of life. tho i didnt expect her to feel it towards me.
couples... why dont they have enough trust with their partners and themselves? not referring to them, but generally i guess. but... kekekeke, i wouldnt know!
ms soo said we can consider more cam work. in- front- of the cam work. lol. if only she witnessed all the NGs.
AND... majorly embarrassed that i didnt finish the packaging efficently. ARGGGGGh. PH cant come soon enough.