misssssed those days damm bad. sch days. sch events= free nice food= eve- is -foodie- jokes= eve is fat. whahahahahaaaaa. i remmenber chocolate ecliars, sushi, ice cream puff, cakes, brownies from the below event. love their catering. dumb dumb jc students who served us. whhahaha.

i slept for ten hours. and then i still napped for an hour? and i SNORED!!! whahahaha, i dont usually have a habit of snoring... only when i am tired. VERY VERY tired. faint. dammm. i just dont like to snore. lucky i cant hear myself when i snore. whahahahahahah.
i am craving for a new start! i hope i can have a new start.
i hope i can work in raffles place, church street.it will be so so so cooooolllllll!!!!!! but then again, who knows what happen behind those doors? so many uncertainties but i look forward to the ending and a new beginning. whenever that might be.