heehehehe. kekekekke. i practise how to put fake eyelashes. and while i am at that, i put the sticker thinggy to make myself have obvious double eyelid just to see how it would look. heehee.
dont my eys look twice/thrice as big? I like!!!!hahaha ;) should i start saving and just go for the eyelid cosmetic surgery?lol.
and Last last week... managed to squeeze in a cycling trip with mr hamburger...heehee. to east coast!! then he said we can cycle to geylang for nice food, and since i am very ON person, i said OF COURSE, LETS DO IT.
And we did. omg. GOSH!! super tiring and torturing to the butt... all the turns and curves... damm tiring!! meandering through the construction sites, argh.... but it was worth it. ( think of the calories burnt!!;)
our rented bikes, at the front.