i know i sounded real depressed and unhappy when i was talking abt my job. but hey, i've got good news! i am gonna be replaced real soon. now that, that is confirmed, i feel way happier and more positive towards the boss. ;)
though i feel it was a wasted opportunity.
in any case, life goes on and i shall go on, hunting my job. hahaha.
i like that i will have a chance to pick and choose again. not knowing where i will end up makes mi excited and regardless, i still anticipate the future!!
my boyfriend, is feeling unhappy with his work too. evon is feeling unhappy with her work too. jay is unhappy with his work too.... well, and the list goes on. haha. i stay positive and optimistic that one day, i will find a job that i am willing to slave over. like those people in %^&*South who work til nine or ten and tells me, it just takes time to grow accustomed to working way late.
but it's okay. when you are down, the only way to go is UP ;)))))