its the thought that counts. so for bf's bday, he will receive a piece of cake from me. i spent about 1-2 hours 'baking' it.

It was made with love of course. and eh, needle. cloth. sponge. did i mention, love? haha.

ok, it wasn't very hard. but stiillll, i improvised on it. so, i made it easier. no close ups! the stitching wasnt good la.

the chocolate cake is done!( i hope it looks decent AND i know it doesnt look llike the picture at all. lol) i dunno how materialistic am i, bbut i am glad that he isnt happy with expensive presents. in fact, he will scold me for splurging.
good la. i dun need to splurge on bf. bf splurge on me is enough. hahahahahahaha.