yesterday, went to essential brews for alyssa's bday party. the hostess, the bday girl was the busiest of them all.

Glad yf bought her baby boy along. cause he really is quie a nice baby, never cry despite all the noise. its easy to play with him. u can entertain him with a balloon, or without any.

And then, its time for the cake. for the birthday song, for the candles to be blown, for the wish to be made. she got to blow the candles twice! haha.

Dan & Alyssa.
I wd say Dan's quite a nice guy. coz he remembered my name! hahaha. its imptt to remember ur gf's friends, so that they will like u and stamp the chop of approval on u. hahaha. And then its time for group shot. HS appeared not at ease, huh? is it me? hahaha.

she doesnt llook like a mom! though definitely more womanly, with long curls and all:) its great to hang out with her n her baby boy.
after the dinner, bf came to pick me up. he got disney princess handiplasts for me to use! no thanks to my high heels of course.

its his bday today.
HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!! you r only 28!!!!!!! congrats!! i am so tired and time constraint with sch work that i at home instead of somewhere else with him. saddening. at least i was there when the clock striked 12.