Tuesday, August 29, 2006
canon dv
they like to say the bigger the group, the more the conflicts? after all, too many cooks spoil the broth.
but i could safely tell people that despite our large no, despite our disagreements due to different opinions, unhappiness or whateve negative things we feel, we r always able to thrash things out in a reasonable way... ( it only takes a meeting.)
we would not habour any bad blood between us after that and our friendships would not be affected in the slightest way.
the broth isnt spoilt in the slightest way.
we are always careful to put ourselves in others' shoes ,try to remenber to think for the others, to be as considerate as possible, allow room to learn from mistakes, to explain to those who dun understand , to tolerate the occassional mood swings... etc etc...
we dun demand explanation. we help each other out as best as we could.we accomodate. we correct each other if one is wrong, and the one who is being corrected is usually grateful for it.( at least i know i am)
and we forgive and forget!
that is why we r still such great friends!... ... i hope!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
my entry is history
i can only offer sincere apologies.
as e blog title already suggests, welcome to my world of imperfections. if i had to choose words carefully. might as well just shut it down.
i am careless and i say thoughless stuff, do thoughtless things. i change my mind and opinions at quite a frequent rate.
my opinion can be wrong. extremely wrong. i can come across as mean.
so i will learn my mistake.
i get this all thrashed out and conc on meetin the dl. and hope for the best.
thats the problem with" free speech". no1 said that what i think is right anyway.i am bery brave when it comes to admiting mistake.
its so...................... when i offend people without meaning to.=(
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
"mentally insane person"
Z says:
nothing's gonna work with an insane person
Z says:
you just gotta say 'yeah, whatever...' and leave asap
Monday, August 21, 2006
they r cool. six months here doing internship with FA when they r doing studies on HOTEL MANAGEMENT. total kana cheated. they should be with at least hotel 81. dont u think so? and i think they r paying for it. pay to agency for arranging the accomodation etc. however they get paid by FA. but i guessed they still lower-paid. argh.
i am NOT paying for internship.
wil be working for 4 straight days. i hope i can wake up for sch, cant wait to close the chapter there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
1- Ice Cream
2- Haribo or other gummy candies
3- Strawberry Pokey
4- Dark chocolate
5-.... fruits? for the weight/health conscious me.
5 things i willl do with a 100 million dollars
1- Shopping?
2- Traveling with my family and friends?
3- just enjoy life lor...
5 things i will never wear
1-tube or revealing stuff.
.... i dun anything as long as i look good in it!whahahah
5 BAD habits
1- Too straight/mean
2- Too impatient yeti procastinate
3- Too bochap
4- Bingeing!!!!!
5- u can decide for urself...
5 famous people i would date...
1-takeshi kaneshiro
2- alvin lee? alvin something with the braces and was on the ruien show recently.
3-stanley Huang!!!!!!!!
4... dunno lah.
ok that was just a tag my friend has given me, so its done!
i think i cannot ceased to be amazed by how lazy 1 can get. and how technology plays a bit in it.
had it not been for email , we will be walkin around, sending stuff, instead of sitting down typing. we will be moving, burning calories. and not finding walkin a chore. even tho it takes just seconds.
whatever, i think i give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will be the first to admit that i am LAZY. i dont want to think too much anymore. hoping, wishing, thinking, fearing, is too energy consuming for me.=(
Monday, August 14, 2006
what why how
recently read old posts of a besty. hee hee... so nostalgic. the more we move ahead with times, the more we cling on to the past... at least me. i long for those phone calls. shopping trips. gossiping over lunch. asking abt homework. combining desks in classroom... kekekekeke.
but still have to move onto the grownup stuff. but i will keep the not very grown up stuff inside me also.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
wishing to read minds
like, when a person is trying to let you down gently and searching for gentler words to let u know the truth. eh... if i can read ur mind at this point of time then u r saved from trying to let me down verbally coz i would already know. and i can pretend not to know and everything's fine.i would know the extent of how deep is emotions you had really felt instead of only knowing the superficial part of it.
i am some one who likes knowing everything or nothing at all. =)
... national day and i spent the later half of it working... workin is becoming like a chore most of the time. think the eleventh month curse is coming. i just cant seem to spend a twelvemonth at any of my workplaces. someone save me from the montony. if not i become more and more grouchy when its the 8 th month, think about quitting in the 9 th month and finally quit when it is the 10th month.
then when i realise i miss my paycheck, it would been about after three months. then i would start to find a job.
i think that might still happen after i graduate and find a full time job. Reason for quitting? Work is becoming too sian for me.
Monday, August 07, 2006
some girls r such funny creatures.
his gf actually talk to me in msn, and i had to use my lousy hanyupinyin to talk to her. and she , to me, gloated abt having him.
ta shi wo de le.
ehm right. it struck me as an insecure statement. insecurites... part and parcel of life. tho i didnt expect her to feel it towards me.
couples... why dont they have enough trust with their partners and themselves? not referring to them, but generally i guess. but... kekekeke, i wouldnt know!
ms soo said we can consider more cam work. in- front- of the cam work. lol. if only she witnessed all the NGs.
AND... majorly embarrassed that i didnt finish the packaging efficently. ARGGGGGh. PH cant come soon enough.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
4th epi host

kekekek... i was the host! together with keith. but no pic. maybe might take a screen shot later.
and it was a good experience. would have enjoyed it more if not the fact that i didnt finish packaging for my second epi yet. there was a nagging doubt at my head.
we even had khai as talent coach. lol. i am NOT a natural camera person. think kieth was better than me. his role required loads of acting! hilarious!!!!!! i cant help it . i laugh and then he laugh at me laughing then NG. who ask his audio no good and he had to pass off screaming as normal speaking.
thanks to my image people so that i can pass off as a fashion person , khairiyah for hair, Maxine and Farhanah for my face. first time i had wore a dress in school ! i just feel weird in a dress. thank god i didnt spilt the dress or what.
thanks for everyone tolerating my bad hosting skills. sorry for my NG.s. let bygones be bygones!!!!!! since "it's a wrap!"=)