went to ginza bairin. the food?? 60/100 points. i hardly remember what was good about it. it just taste like other curry rice from other similar restaurants/cafe.

me & BF finally went to watch Avatar! When i first saw the trailer, i wasnt really into catching the show. but all the raving reviews made me wonder if i missed out something.
i am so glad we caught it in 3D!!! it was simply fab. BF couldnt stop repeating all the lines which he remembered. sigh.
SHOPPING TIME! well... we gotta do something while waiting for the movie to start. once upon a time i would nvr even consider buying red-anything much less a tomato red jacket. but i saw one in Pull&Bear and fall in love with it. And wore it promptly after the making the purchase. lol.

some stupid cam-whore pics which i practically force BF to help me take. & no i will nvr buy red sunglasses to match my red jacket.
holidays are always fab fab fab!!! when is the next one coming...?