Saturday, December 30, 2006
LAST week
so i wouldnt be getting my pay on time.
i talked to chee keng. the very nice person from HR and i told what happen with the person who is supposed to sign and she rolled her eyes. the person who is supposed to sign probably wouldnt bite if i had asked him lah... but it shows that he isnt considerate enough towards his intern's welfare.
NVM. i wouldnt die getting pay late. chee keng said that once i submit, i will get it in a weeks' time.
i spent friday night trying to shop with kelly but end up just window shopping. hahaha. mostly. WAHAHAHHA. i need a pair of slip-on heels! pronto!
my feet is quite sad now. bruises/cuts/scars/handiplasts everywhere!!!!!!!!
to dear maxine... time will heal ur wounds. hope you wont dwelll on it.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
shocked & guilty.
i could upset my friend, a few continents away. made him feel bad abt himself and angry towards me.
i guess i accidentally crushed his ego/pride again. its something about me and guys and me rejecting guys. regardless what's their intention, friendly or otherwise. i panicked when i sensed his upset-ness, his anger. his hurt.
i panicked and didnt really understand what i said or more correctly, typed wrong. but he isnt the first guy to say that my name=rejection. ahmed syaz was the first to point this out, jokingly or not and i thought it had no ounce of truth in it.
i just want him to know that i am sorry for making him feel bad. and i remember a lot of promises which we made together. i reallly wonder will any single one of them come true.
Friday, December 22, 2006
rest rest rest!
MCIS also had a party. 'party'. lol. think its fairly bad labeling. HAH. it would be more true if they put a 'tea' in front of it.
N today, i could finish the allorted work before time.even had time for some legal entertainment. kekekke.
had a off-in-lieu day on wednesday. thats just 2 days ago and it felt so long ago. i shopped so much that i hardly have any dough left in the bank. the good thing is, i dun have urge to shop anymore since i've got most of what i wanted. that being the key word. 'most'. HAHAH. i neever resist a good bargain lah.
and there is gonna be a new intern. i sure hope that it would not collapse last min. cause thats major good news. cause it looks like MCIS Mrkg could be doing PanPac's as well. the staff r gonna be so overworked. this situations had potential to be one of those case studies in our exam paper.
like, what r the advantages of merger in companies. the benefits of outsourcing and not outsourcing. the advantage is one person do two's companies' work. -.- think the managers have it worse.
i listened to SO MUCH 93.3 fm that i could practically sing to whatever chinese song u could possibly pick at K-box! thanks to all my colleagues there. kekeekek.
they like to joke tat i have stay back another six months to pay back for my blur-ness and for whatever not done right.
i am sure they r joking. so i laughed along.
then another guy said, besides working for another six months, potentially working for free, the situation would most likely deteriorate to ME paying to work for them. they laughed of course. i pretended not to hear. and resisted glaring at him or rolling my eyes.
he uses nice perfume. i mean, cologne or whatever. and before i forget, its kenneth cole's black. or something which sounds like that.
going off to sleep.=)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
spinning around
ever since the mrktg team starts to go on lunch together. we become quite crazy. I become quite reckless with my words. you know, the classic eve-syndromes. though my words are harmless and funny, it still might rub people the wrong way. BUT they would usually laugh first and say, EVE!!! YOU JUST EATTEN LEOPARD'S GUTS, IS IT??
okay, i will be careful to toe the line and not cross it. actually, i prefer not to be near the line at all. anyway, its been fun working with agnes, my Assist Manager.
she knows my weak points and doesnt ask me to any designing work. kekekee, i also have the real, convenient REASON of not havin photoshop at my comp. (thank god)
and there is also this guy, whose cologne is TERRIBLY NICE! i wonder whats the brand. perhaps its calvin kien? i have to ask him if i ever see him again. but the downside is, the cologne is there , mainly to mask his smoking aftermath. at least i think so.
staring at the computer screen for 13 hours is way too much for my eyesight. there isnt enough greenery in my life. and the luckiest thing i manage to GEDDIT. if not i will be so screwed upside down for the CMS update job. coz it always the intern's job. another PHEW!!!.
then after a eco-meeting/talk cock session at JURONG EAST... i met up with HCY to... what else. shop lo. i am going crazy with the sales! we were out from 1-8 pm and on average i maybe spent about $15 per hour. i am so gonna be broke. but somehow, i DON'T CARE. there is always the next paycheck.
on our way back, we saw some1 performing on a harp. some lady. so she looked realllllllly poised, elegant and angelic/fairy-like. i always associate fairy/angels with harps.
and thus, my day out ended with a nice musical note.
Monday, December 11, 2006
milkshake night
Faint. Faint. Faint.
got my clubbin experience. Thought I would be like a piece of rock but with the loud music, the body just automatically swayed to the music. HAHA. The queueing part was hideous though. Coz it was the milkshake night, we were all like sardines but lucky got friend’s friends who could provide a helping hand.
But my time inside the club was cut short coz my friend had a panic attack. Yes. A panic attack. Coz she is claustrophobic and there were too many people for her brain to have sufficient oxygen and she had an attack. Poor thing.
And I bump into the Dinesh and Tim of all people. HAHAHAHAHA.
And I went to on a shoppin spree. Shoppin spree gives me a high. An impromptu spree. Wouldn’t consider it as retail therapy though. I realize I am more into comfort eating. Hmm, it would explains my (growing) size.
I think I cant wait for 2007. =)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
we drank champagne. y did i ever associate champagne with sophisticatedness and classiness and everything nice and worldly?
hahaha. ok , whatever.
i wan to go jogging. i am afraid it will rain.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
what u choose is what you get.
i might doubt my decisions, but i dont regret.
the reprecussions r always unpredictable. and it happens to be worser or at least unhappier than i had thought it would be. i thought there would no reprecussions, to be honest.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006
so what if its Friday? i still need to stay back in office and finish whatever work i have. work i would have long finish if they could just make up their mind abt what they want. oh, whatever... change is the only constant. at least i can sleep more hours after a long day at work.
my direct supervisor behaves as though she might leave this co. any moment.
will there come a day when this mrkting departmt has only interns and managers?
Thursday, November 16, 2006
one month of IPP
i have undergone a change of boss and soon, a change of seating and maybe desk number? argh. whatever.
my brother gone to HK! bet he will LOADS of fun, joy and laughter and those un-mentionables. muahahaha. (my perfered kind of laughter now)better bring back something nice for each and every1 of us!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
major OT
I was afraid that she would be unbearably hard. But it was ok. Turns out that she wanted me to just tag along for the next field trip.
No exactly field trip, but u get what I mean.
From CME launches to F&N, to Printers at tuas, to Warehouse visit. marketing is kinda not-boring in its way.
I like! But still I keep making those stupid careless mistakes, like spelling errors!the truth is i always want to get things done fast, so much that i never check enough to make sure its perfect. anyway... I think I should start spelling things the way it should be spelt in my blog.
mi and genesis had to stay til 9 PM. thats 3 hours OT. i stayed behind simply to fax to ALL the secondary sch. boss arranged Mac for us as dinner. Mac 2x in a week.
Next Monday is the big day and I seriously pray that I don’t screw up for stuff under my charge. If not, I would absolutely just get a F for my IPP straightaway.
* stomach churning at the thought of it.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
i think i am satisfied.
so the best thing is keep quiet and open ears big big.
then caught up with some sec friends. have they changed ? i dunno. if they did, i couldnt tell. hahaha. went to cafe cartel, i tried their new items and it sucked lah. pictures LIE. if there is ever a restuarant whose pictures doesnt lie , i swear i will be the most loyal customer it ever will have.
cheated by pictires 2x in a week!
so my friend and i were talkin abt r we satisfied with what we have now. r we satisfied with our lives now.
i guess i am. i dare not ask for more or think abt more cause if i dun achieve it, i know i will be reallllllllly disappointed. i think i am procastinating in determining wht i exactly want in life and how am i gona be on my way.
i wan to be a carefree teenager as long as possible. going to work is going to sch. except that whatever mistakes i make in work affects the company too besides just myself.
actually i like being in marketing. but as interns, i keep kana faxing. and following-up. nothing intense. i wish to lighten the load of michele, but i know too little to help.
got a new boss.everything changes again i guess. i definitely hope its for the better. put me in a more important role. hopefully not the web content management... i would just drop dead inside the computer system.=(
i was realllllllly snappish with M.Y. so old already still so uber lame. cannot stand him le. at first still think he quite funny and laid back. he is laid back. just that super cold. and lame. and not funny. total gets on my nerves today.
y cant i have just a straight answer?
the lame-cold-not-witty replies totally rub me the wrong way.ARGH.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
book sale and its NOT media's fault
It was decorated in old school American 50s style with Elvis and Marilyn as posters and red vinyl chairs and those record playing machines. okay, it was CDs instead. but it had a realllllly nice feel to it.
it was a sale of unwanted assessment bks and kia-su parents easily bought 4 years worth of assessment bks for their kids. i am glad i am not their kids.
and when (and if)i am a parent, i absolutely WILL NOT buy textbooks for my kids.
i think sch work is (bad) enough. HAHA.
then, we dug around for ice cream, it IS a ice cream parlor after all, and i found a strawbeerry cone which is not being sold in Singapore. it tasted yummmy!
in the course of work, got to know some MOE people and we started discussing about blogs and young people, blogs and dairy.
i suppose most of the blogs they seen r something like mine, just blogging about mundane things, stuff that made up my life. then they asked, so whats the use in letting the public know ur nitty gritty abt ur life? that i can i provided a decent ans. that it is an avenue where u can do catch up with ur friends' life esp when u haf no time to catch up in real life. its USEFUL!
then she commented abt why r young people doing putting their most intimate
pictures/videos of themselves... on the public domain? this, i haf no idea. i haf no idea why people r exhibitionists. i am a no pyschologist.
i also unfortunately have no idea how come young primary kids r exposed to nc 16 stuff and r actually following it without knowing what they r doing.
i would think that the blame if any, lies in the parental supervision more than the media. media is just doing its job! providing entertainment to its target audience. with censorship already in place. but if some1 other than target audience watches, how is it suppose to prevent tht?
by not showing at all? its rubbish lor. then u r not looking after some other consumer segment.
in short. i am just against people who totally blame the media environment. because , dont u realize? hafnt u realize?, in this shrinking global world, every1 has a part to play.
oh, and some MP's daughter's blog was shut down due to some backlash she received over personal comments she made regarding some remotely political issues.
oMG.there is no freedom of speeach or even ideas.=(
that y i stick to mundane blogging abt useless stuff.=)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
abt IPP...
some r bored. some r busy and finding it fun.
i wish i belong to the latter.
sometimes i am busy and sometimes i stared at the comp pretending to be busy.
but. the colleagues r quite nice. tml will be helpin out at book sale fair, so my role will be that of a salesgirl. the best part is dun need go company! YAY! still feelin the euphoria of this bit of news.
small things make me happy. but i still need wake up early cause the book fair is held near ULU PANDAN. my dear, alex and syaz and yiting, does this ring a bell?
so after this gd news, i made plans to meet up an ex-colleague for dinner.
overall, still feeelin pretty happy abt the day. i went to some launch event, get to know my sales colleagues better, tao-pao-ed the food from the tea spread back to office and home. and i was the first to leave among the marketing department.
i am glad that we started those chian emails. i think i need those emails to kill my boredom and to know that my friends are still around me. i feel so isolated when i had no1 near to join me for lunch...
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
hari raya and passiveness
i love public holidays!!!!!!!!!!
today was a family day.i like family time! my brother didnt know how to go to that dim-sum place in chinatown from cityhall... so after circling that stupid area for one hour, we finally went to TPY instead. what a relief, i hate feelin hungry.
the dim sum was just so-so with not-impressive service. next time i shall ban my mother from choosin where to eat.
anyway, my brother and father actually follwed me and mother around while i looked for a bag to buy. it feels so so so weird! thats y i dun like shoppin with guys. it nags on my conscience that i am wasting their time as they wait for me shoppin.
in the end, nothing caught my fancy and my office dress supply remains in shortage. i cant wait for the december sale.
with internship, time seem to pass so much faster!everyday 11h in that office, wasting my youth away. AHAHAHAA.
i also gotten used to fact that i can never leave at 6pm. though i still feel sadden by this fact. time passes by so fast that by the time i can leave, it is already near 7pm. =(
so what happens when 2 ppl r equally passive?
the ans is... NOTHING happens.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
urge to blog despite eveything
i came back from my thailand ONE WEEK AGO and my blog has nothing to show for it.
no time to really describe like rachel did, so i would let pictures do the job!

this is the best pub at ao nang. i had a fruity drink while ALL the rest had ordered alcoholic stuff.

some beach at some small island. i tried snorkeling. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEA.YES. i did. despite not howing to swim.i grabbed t and r's hands for dear life.

this was taken after a ride on elephant at some deserted jungle after stormy weather. can u imagine! BANANA LEAVES FOR UMBRELLA. it was a huh... unique once- in- a- life time experience.
My last touristy picture. at the hotel. shirt and bag bought at the ao nang night market. nothing much to shop there. more eating done only. ovaltine bubble tea! KFC layppot rice served in plastic cups.
-.-no insects tho...
hm... seems like a month ago. cant believe it was only 7 days ago when i was happily bargaining away simply cause it was so fun.every1 was kinda shocked when we actually went on the trip with the T and D. but it was pretty fun too. they were really nice to us. treated us meals and drinks in exchange for bunkin with us. ( and cheating out of the hotel fees).
i like takin planes. esp when we accelerate and shot into the sky! kekekeke.
rachel definitely would be blessed if she, to look after her carelessness. HAHAHA.
abt marshell cavendish. nothing to complain about. its good and tiring and makin full use of cheap labour. the ppl r nice and polite and... normal lor. the only BAD thing is... its so so far. need 2 hours to TRAVEL. its a journey. a long long journey. which includes waiting for bus. and if u know me, u know that...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
he asked for friendster
he got up to leave. she thought its probably the last time seeing him.
but surprisingly, after takin a few steps, he turned around , whipped out a piece of paper and pen and asked for her... ... friendster!
how things changed with the times and technology.
Monday, October 09, 2006
going off to krabi
yup. going off the land of smiles with only the 4 of us. i know its not exactly the best time to go with the politics and weather and the more i think, the more it sounds bad... but but BUT, what will happen will happen. anyway, rachel's lord is on her side... i will just enjoy the surrounding benefits. HAHAHAHAH.
must do- shop shop shop, night life , thai message, beach beach beach... i think i will stray off from the activitied which r remotely adrenaline rushing. and water activities too. dippin my toes inside them excluded.
for this trip i will sacrifice my prefernce for being fair. ha. i hope to come back golden brown! =)
Friday, October 06, 2006
i cannot believe how rachel just walked into some tour agency and suddenly we r supposed to go thailand. i had not told my parents yet. i mean, there is every chance it ends up as AALL TALK only, no need to hear them squek and grill me about all the details.
even tho it is holidays, still must live life with discipline.=/
Sunday, October 01, 2006
last day
print team is still rushing to tie up all the loose ends. think they will be continuing to tie up loose ends on monday.
we tried to do somethin special on the last day of sch. we ...went to botak jones!
hahaha! all of us except for ahmed syazwan, nothing can stand in the way of true love

i like how his specs reflect the light... HAHA.
anyway... i went to the provision shop to buy 100plus next to the coffee shop and the uncle actually spend 10 mins talking to me about a newspaper article in My Paper ( that chinese freesheet).
i was kinda amazed that he would spend 10 mins talkin to me. a total stranger who wasnt that interested to learn in depth about what he was gonna say.
he actually read out the entire article with me helpin to read too, so that i can read finish that thing faster.
patience is gd. so is respect for elders. if not i wouldnt know of this interesting article.
the short article was about living your life so that everyday count. essentially it preaches that one should refrain from procastinating if not you risk not achieving anything in the end.
i have to say he is bery very nice to point out this article to me. it was pretty inspiring. make evryday count if not you might end up not living after all.
all talk and no action is just plain laziness and passion-less. passion seems like a word which is recurring too often. it probably was heard by us in the poly forum 10 thousand and 350 times.
i want to have passion too. but i duno what my passion will be. isnt it good to have a passion to give u a direction in life? to know what u want to do and work towards it. instead of getting a job, a salary and work towards the day u die.
so... i am really glad i got to meet Eugenie. i will be doing volunteer work at ( one of ) her NPOs. in the name of team strawberry lah. haha . like dat more fun. but its not a passion yt. just something i can do to contribute back to... whoever and whatever.

the last day of tep ended with a surprise.
kaidi & arshade actually went ard shaking ppl's hand.
even wake me up to say bye.
i appreciated that. i hope arshad has decided to fogive and forget.
my last words in TEP will be
Bye Bye, people. Good luck in ur future endeavors.
dun think i will have the chance to meet 27 of u in a single room anymore... at least not easily.
Friday, September 29, 2006
perversity in my nature
Did u come across this word before? Do you happen to know the meaning? Do you know of any1 who is perverse? i chanced upon this word when i was readin a horroscope analysis of my sign( of course) and it was one of the words used to describe my sign.
along with stubborn, creative and sarcastic.
anyway, it means
willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary.
characterized by or proceeding from such a determination or disposition: a perverse mood.
wayward or cantankerous.
persistent or obstinate in what is wrong.
haha. so i guess its kinda true. like yesterday in the morning when i asked alex how capable was he in his CO to be able to skip his training without serious repercussions.
WHATA RUDEI&DIOTIC&EQ-less qustion to ask. C t totally showed disapproval ( "what kind of qt is this to ask ?! ")when i ask this qtn to alex. but alex seemingly is OK with the question. so y did i perversely, wilfully decided to go against what is desired, to ask this qtn?
coz, the person whom this qtn is directed to, appeared OK with it. was he upset? i hope not...coz there is logic in this qtn! if u r capable enuf, means u can afford to skip one session and still catch up. if not, its best nt to skip and conc on the prepping. its gd if say u r capable ... means u r really gd enuf lor, its ok to say u r not caapable enuf... i would understand u need to practise to be perfect for your performance!
of coz, there r also issues like responsiblity and sense of duty and commitment... regarding skippin cca session. but putting that aside, i thot the qtn was ok to be asked.
or maybe cause i felt that alex has been ard me for 3 years, he knows my eq-less personality so he could take it knowing there is no harm intended?
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
the moment of truth
yes, i appreciate this rule a lot.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
so true abt me
Here is the analysis:
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
Are You Nosy?
Nosy Level: 60%
You may seem to be a nosy person to some people, but actually you are quite a serious person who's not at all interested in gossip. You just like to know what's going on around you. It's a natural interest and you can get offended when people tell you they think you're a sticky-beak.
The Squirrel
Here is the analysis:
You are very direct, which might freak them out. Something along the lines of "Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?" might slip from your lips.
How well do you react?
Here is the analysis:
Although you are emotional, you have full control of behavior. Being patient is your unique quality.
i think the above are all pretty true!
my first show reel
i should honour them by making them THE motto of my life.
i had a lot of fun making my show reel. editing the clip to Christina Aguilera's voice made everything very enjoyable. though i was pretty stressed before it. BUT now ... i feel pretty good about my clip. HAH. i had learnt how to do things i never thought i would be interested to know how to do. i am proud of my show reel! proud of my maturing as a media student.
six months in TEP ( more or less ) has officially ended. tmr we will know the results of IPP which i guess is even more exciting about knowing your grades for the respective stopovers.
i am glad i worked with people i never worked before. it was a chance to know what sorts of different ppl existed instead of workin with my buddies and only thinkin about people superficially. ( i guess with me coming into contact with other ppl, more ppl HATE me!)
had it not been for this attachment i would have never work with Kaidi and co, i guess.
that 2 months had a lot of ups and downs but definitely was a period of time which i liked a lot. and learnt a lot. and stressed a lot.
i will always remenber Kaidi telling me "HEY eve, dont need to streesss! relacccc..." and me imitating (? ) loo lin subconsciously. her personality seeps into mine! guess i dont haf a strong personality afterall. ha, it was something abt that env that made me caught onto those mannerisms that they already had.
why would i want to be some1 else other than myself? " you r becoming like me and i am becoming like you! "
Friday, September 22, 2006
while i was away
for a short, cliffhanger conclusion, i can say that now i've got more people to loVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for the highlights, u can continue to read.
starting with world bank, what was my takeaway? weight gain lor! NYP SAO so kind, bought loads of snacks, and i have no self control regarding food, so i guess i have more of me again.
and they had goodie bags which contained thumbs to give away! * envious!
the 5 days of waking at 5+ am, wasnt a chore to me. i dont mind waking up early... if u wake up early, u have a longer day to enjoy. i thank the kind bus drivers who joked with me and tried to find me so that i wont miss the bus ( tho some would prefer the other way).
i guess u r diovorced? so i hope u can find your second spring soon! or just plain happiness.
the format of the forum was, to feed people every 2-3 hours. talks, dialogue and discussion sessions filled up the missing blanks in between.
everytime PF made the news, they would paste the articles up. self promotion.
was i looking forward to it? i was! kinda. ha. i knew it was gonna be fun.
our group was kinda tight... too tight even. * kana complaint.
our group was fun. PEPSI-COLA 123, any1 ? its good to know we can complete one round of the number game... finallly. this is the girl who digs her nose publicly, takes pictures of herself pressed again the window and the photocopier!!!!!
the walk to fisherman village was more fun than fishman village itself. theme 5 and everyone else there makes a good choir! think it would be better if it had been one big table instead of being sitted so far away from one another. ( too used to squeezing durin the mealtimes) too hard to talk! i felt like wearing my heels, in the end, i ended up wearing nothing( on my feet). too pain!
hence, eve is a hobbit. she dun need shoes.=)
while trying not to sleep before a talk, daniel ask me to present the exhibition to the minister, together with hao ren. no surprise there. missed the dialogues sessions with the minister. missed out on the talk-back session that terrence had. how often do u witness a student arguing with a minister?
but now i know the man who takes photographs is the same man who walks down the corridors on DMSM-TEP. but i still duno the details.
i helped my room mate make up for the D and D. hidden talent of mine! we had multiple chinese weddings in a single room. so many yam-seh-ing. did any one spoil his throat?
my 4th room mate with drew from PF due to family tragedies. 2 people gone in a day... thank god she was strong.
writing warm fuzzies, the last part of 5.2's program co. i wan to go to my didi's wedding, thanks!=P this bluffer kept confusing us with his age. and kept running away. p.s can i comission my showreel to u? i wish my mom had a third child. i kinda like being a sister! i absolutely loved critc-ing those videos!
and BAD DAY MV NOW has a 5 stars rating. cause we wanted to watch it in the chalet and it kept laggin and we kept in the end, we couldnt even get to the chorus. BUT its impressive enough! at least they liked it.=)
i am glad people like our carnival. liked our song performance. every1 deserve the clap on the back esp eugenie. =) lets haf faith in our ideas and let them realize that they were wrong about us. =)
pity RP. fancy sch reopening on a thursday...
poor kat, who had such bad luck with room mates. but u have US!
we all need a hug now and then...
and we took abt 100 pictures! group of cam whoreS!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
no dignity at all. ( pushing aside the fact that it was a deserved punishment)
no pride at all. with eyes watching this poor naughty kid who gets locked out. the poor kid does feel the shame. thats y lessons r leant so effectively.
now if i would were to get locked out i would stay out until u beg me to come back.
my first shift at IMF was all right. pleaseant even. each bus has a bust host and a police officer. i met two officers in my bus and they were all media workers! one used to be in discovery programming and the other , currently a photo editor at straits time. would love to ask a lot about the media scene but then again i dun wan to appear nosy and interrupt their walkie talkie conversations.
and i want to declare that NYP HAS THE BEST SA Officers EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! we are so fortunate to have them!!!! they prepared so many stuff for us! food and drink and games! games ... not so sure lah. HAHAHA.
i am testing my determination now.
Monday, September 11, 2006
( not in order of bad-ness)
1. NEW phone dropped and scratched... not by me. AGAIN. other people can flush other people's hp down the toilet literately if the same thing happens while i can only flush my anger down the toilet.
2. Manager make noise about me being late.
3.Inconvenient IMF reporting place AND time.
4.Waking up and going to a last -minute -cancelled PF meeting. which i didnt know. and now we dun have a new idea. and i have no time to contribute to them anymore and anyway.
5. IT RAINED ON THE THIRD EPISODE ... AGAIN! made it all the way to lab park and 4 NGs. and once we reached HF mrt,40 mintutes later, it never rained anymore.
i hate times like this. the only good thing about being way down is that you can only go up. everything can go wrong, most probably will go wrong. so what if i care... there is only more disappoinment. so what if things were planned and promised... shit always crops up and expectations dashed, things dont turn out the same way, and apologies dun make a difference.
only turning back the hands of time back, can.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
i cant help it
i cant help it... i am disappointed with my self.=(
because i know i can do better than that.
Friday, September 08, 2006
(not very) SUrpRISED!!!!!!!!!

so while they did the card, guess who did the food! K and M! and me and KK... we were more like assisstants i guess. but the sandwiches were reallllllly nice. esp the toasted ones.

she not very unprepared. hm. she saw our sneaky shadows earlier and was guarded already i guess.

supper with P-paLS!

the satay looked absolutely delicious! hahahaha! i've got good taste!
it looks good and taste as good. not like the following dish...

no fine presentation ...
but it was goes really well with the spicy
sour chili!

this was the original reason why we went there in the first place... the beancurd endosed by jasmine. even tho jasmine was not the reason why we went there lah.
i liked mine original with nothing on top... they liked theirs with yam paste. so sweeeeeeet. like, ew?
a relatively short trip... but loads of laughter as we listened to josephine's sch daze and army stories. and embarrassing stories. he was particularly talkative that day. then he had to send me home also... and sorry lah... i dun recognise my neighborhood once they are 1km outside the radius of my own block... ha.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
south canteen and a 19th birthday

and i will miss south canteen with the claypot rice and bubble tea and the aftermath of a bloated stomache.

another priceless expression( in the backgrd) by another friend.
2 gals and a hairdresser

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
canon dv
they like to say the bigger the group, the more the conflicts? after all, too many cooks spoil the broth.
but i could safely tell people that despite our large no, despite our disagreements due to different opinions, unhappiness or whateve negative things we feel, we r always able to thrash things out in a reasonable way... ( it only takes a meeting.)
we would not habour any bad blood between us after that and our friendships would not be affected in the slightest way.
the broth isnt spoilt in the slightest way.
we are always careful to put ourselves in others' shoes ,try to remenber to think for the others, to be as considerate as possible, allow room to learn from mistakes, to explain to those who dun understand , to tolerate the occassional mood swings... etc etc...
we dun demand explanation. we help each other out as best as we could.we accomodate. we correct each other if one is wrong, and the one who is being corrected is usually grateful for it.( at least i know i am)
and we forgive and forget!
that is why we r still such great friends!... ... i hope!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
my entry is history
i can only offer sincere apologies.
as e blog title already suggests, welcome to my world of imperfections. if i had to choose words carefully. might as well just shut it down.
i am careless and i say thoughless stuff, do thoughtless things. i change my mind and opinions at quite a frequent rate.
my opinion can be wrong. extremely wrong. i can come across as mean.
so i will learn my mistake.
i get this all thrashed out and conc on meetin the dl. and hope for the best.
thats the problem with" free speech". no1 said that what i think is right anyway.i am bery brave when it comes to admiting mistake.
its so...................... when i offend people without meaning to.=(
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
"mentally insane person"
Z says:
nothing's gonna work with an insane person
Z says:
you just gotta say 'yeah, whatever...' and leave asap
Monday, August 21, 2006
they r cool. six months here doing internship with FA when they r doing studies on HOTEL MANAGEMENT. total kana cheated. they should be with at least hotel 81. dont u think so? and i think they r paying for it. pay to agency for arranging the accomodation etc. however they get paid by FA. but i guessed they still lower-paid. argh.
i am NOT paying for internship.
wil be working for 4 straight days. i hope i can wake up for sch, cant wait to close the chapter there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
1- Ice Cream
2- Haribo or other gummy candies
3- Strawberry Pokey
4- Dark chocolate
5-.... fruits? for the weight/health conscious me.
5 things i willl do with a 100 million dollars
1- Shopping?
2- Traveling with my family and friends?
3- just enjoy life lor...
5 things i will never wear
1-tube or revealing stuff.
.... i dun anything as long as i look good in it!whahahah
5 BAD habits
1- Too straight/mean
2- Too impatient yeti procastinate
3- Too bochap
4- Bingeing!!!!!
5- u can decide for urself...
5 famous people i would date...
1-takeshi kaneshiro
2- alvin lee? alvin something with the braces and was on the ruien show recently.
3-stanley Huang!!!!!!!!
4... dunno lah.
ok that was just a tag my friend has given me, so its done!
i think i cannot ceased to be amazed by how lazy 1 can get. and how technology plays a bit in it.
had it not been for email , we will be walkin around, sending stuff, instead of sitting down typing. we will be moving, burning calories. and not finding walkin a chore. even tho it takes just seconds.
whatever, i think i give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will be the first to admit that i am LAZY. i dont want to think too much anymore. hoping, wishing, thinking, fearing, is too energy consuming for me.=(
Monday, August 14, 2006
what why how
recently read old posts of a besty. hee hee... so nostalgic. the more we move ahead with times, the more we cling on to the past... at least me. i long for those phone calls. shopping trips. gossiping over lunch. asking abt homework. combining desks in classroom... kekekekeke.
but still have to move onto the grownup stuff. but i will keep the not very grown up stuff inside me also.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
wishing to read minds
like, when a person is trying to let you down gently and searching for gentler words to let u know the truth. eh... if i can read ur mind at this point of time then u r saved from trying to let me down verbally coz i would already know. and i can pretend not to know and everything's fine.i would know the extent of how deep is emotions you had really felt instead of only knowing the superficial part of it.
i am some one who likes knowing everything or nothing at all. =)
... national day and i spent the later half of it working... workin is becoming like a chore most of the time. think the eleventh month curse is coming. i just cant seem to spend a twelvemonth at any of my workplaces. someone save me from the montony. if not i become more and more grouchy when its the 8 th month, think about quitting in the 9 th month and finally quit when it is the 10th month.
then when i realise i miss my paycheck, it would been about after three months. then i would start to find a job.
i think that might still happen after i graduate and find a full time job. Reason for quitting? Work is becoming too sian for me.
Monday, August 07, 2006
some girls r such funny creatures.
his gf actually talk to me in msn, and i had to use my lousy hanyupinyin to talk to her. and she , to me, gloated abt having him.
ta shi wo de le.
ehm right. it struck me as an insecure statement. insecurites... part and parcel of life. tho i didnt expect her to feel it towards me.
couples... why dont they have enough trust with their partners and themselves? not referring to them, but generally i guess. but... kekekeke, i wouldnt know!
ms soo said we can consider more cam work. in- front- of the cam work. lol. if only she witnessed all the NGs.
AND... majorly embarrassed that i didnt finish the packaging efficently. ARGGGGGh. PH cant come soon enough.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
4th epi host

kekekek... i was the host! together with keith. but no pic. maybe might take a screen shot later.
and it was a good experience. would have enjoyed it more if not the fact that i didnt finish packaging for my second epi yet. there was a nagging doubt at my head.
we even had khai as talent coach. lol. i am NOT a natural camera person. think kieth was better than me. his role required loads of acting! hilarious!!!!!! i cant help it . i laugh and then he laugh at me laughing then NG. who ask his audio no good and he had to pass off screaming as normal speaking.
thanks to my image people so that i can pass off as a fashion person , khairiyah for hair, Maxine and Farhanah for my face. first time i had wore a dress in school ! i just feel weird in a dress. thank god i didnt spilt the dress or what.
thanks for everyone tolerating my bad hosting skills. sorry for my NG.s. let bygones be bygones!!!!!! since "it's a wrap!"=)
Monday, July 31, 2006
so, that means he has a criminal record? kekekekekkee. his story was pretty interesting.
yesterday laugh so hard at work that i cant serve customers and almost choke on my phlegm. thats what i go to work for. lol. rumours has it that the breadtalk manager next door likes our manager ... so we get free bread to like one big plastic bag of almost not-fresh bread is very appertizing like dat.
only 2 more months to go! before the end of tep. i remenber when i was just casually chattin to felicia and she could tell me exactly when her ipp is gonna end, right til the number of days and hours.
i like hearing ssl sharing her past experiences. i wish she can have a sharing session regrading her hey days as an award winning producer. how many times can u get to talk to a highly regarded producer?
Sunday, July 30, 2006
i got a bag
after one month plus of lookin, i looked and found and hestitated. needed that extra push and my mama gave it to me. i am just so price conscious.
heehee. whatever. i finally have a new bag! content.
i dun like people with big mouth. figuratively and literately.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
my dearest father.
and.i am sorry.i am sorry for making u and mama worry sick about me.
i never thought of calling you and mother cause i thought you all would be asleep anyway. i am sorry that i caused a sleepless night for you cause you thought i might be missing. i am still the little girl who couldnt take care of herself in your eyes.
i will always be a little girl in your eyes.
anyway, you shouldnt have worried. i spent the night holed away in a ktv room with my colleagues and managers, with smoke and green tea chivas, with bad shouting/singing, with also tears and laughter.
because our dearest outlet manager Amaida will be transferrin to Tampines after spending three years at J8. Jean weeped like a baby despite she was already 40 years old. thats how deep the attachment she had with the older crew members in the outlet.
i didnt feel that sad. after all, i spent only 7 months there and half the time i didnt work with her. but still, had to admit she is nice to all of us.
they drunk and drunk. to drown their sorrow and conjour up the High. but ultimately, they dedicated songs like Hero to her and sang it in tears.
anyway... change is always a constant and althou u should embrace it, you cant stop yourself from feelin sad.
and so, i was holed away in the ktv room at town from 1 to 6 am, til they closed the place, from the stoppage of public transportation til they resumed the service. saved from giviing the exorbitant midnight charge!=)
a night without sleep, followed by a oiishi breakfast at Casuarina Prata... DaMMMM NICE. way better than Jalan Kayu. i dun think i will ever go there again. again, JK SUX. bad service and so-so food.
big and crispy and fluffy and hot and tasty. yum!=)
again, good food seems to be at ulu places. was only introduced to it by joseph, and lucky he provided the transport. the perks of being able to drive. but still, finding a parking space is damm hard.
we tried to find the famous bak ku teh shop near balestier. BUT COULDNT FIND DESPITE CIRCILING THE STUPID ROAD FOR SO MANY TIMES. oh well, in the end, we found out we had the wrong road name. it was NEAR balestier road but not AT balesier road, but instead at rangoon road. we are a family of goons.
will you help me wipe off my tears/ persiprations?
yes. only if i have a third hand.=) only if there is a space for me to stand next to you.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
bad premoninations
trying to be calm, keep cool. and dont lose my head.
move forward with my initiative. take control. take the lead. if only my guts can override my brain. ArGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
my first pedi ...

all righty... this is how the feet looks like after the first pedi it has ever been through!
morning : went for the CPF final round thinggy which i never even previously played before. hahaha. and to think its meant for people who are the tops in the sch. ehh... i was there just to make up the numbers.
wasnt too bad. winner could walk away with LAPTOP and welllllllll.... RP who was the organiser, won the top prize as well. -.-
and then, it was lunch at CWP. A big hot bowl of chewlian noodles. after the napfa yesterday, my appetite was extremely well. i woke up early coz i couldnt sleep... my stomache was growling !! i could finish a bowl of laksa for breakfast. wow, huh. my mother was also suitably impressed.
i had a shopping spree today. if i shopped like this every time i went near shops... i think... i rather not think abt it. bought stuff like shoes, top,necklace,bottom and food of course... BUT i set out wanting only to get a BAG!!!!!!!!. JUST A BAG.
i ended up almost everything except a bag.
this cannot go on. HAHAHAHAHAhAHA. so broke at the end of the day, that my dear friend YF had to gimme a treat. WHAHAHAHAH. i will repay u thoough ~ !=)
Friday, July 14, 2006
AFter //=)
thats all.
after today , i dont have to worry abt NAPFA ANYMORE!!!!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!! I pass everything.
and ms soo is champion stretcher. i think she takes yoga? so flexible!
and i find whining hurts my brain and ears. i think i will turn blue if i have to listen to non stop whining.
i just dont appreciate the benefits of whining and complaining. to vent off fustration maybe, but it doesnt make me happier cause it wont solve any problem. AT ALL. so yah, it will be good if you remenber not to whine around me. be positive. why commiserate when u can get ur act together and simply look on the bright side??
lookin for potential cast for drama project is SO DAMM hard. if any1 who know sany1 is willing and a good actor please please inform me!!!!!!!!
my white tote bag is spoilt! time to find a replacement! * whahahahah. and workplace havin a KTV session next week, HA... i think i am lookin forward to it...=) i am havin a craving for k-singing.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
so many things
fate leads those who believe in it.
it drags those by the nose, those who does not.
downtown escapade is over. i spend more than 12 hours on that tiny island. my feet has tan lines from my sandals.i met another cam whore who happened to be my partner in the station. i have some pictures in hp, but couldnt find the time to upload them at home. even now, i am blogging coz i am having writer's block at school.
there are gonna be some new faces at work. i wonder how will they be like. there is even one who is from NYP too.
went shooting at zul's production house. he cant wait to be in TEP. six months at IPP is too long, he said.
really? feels the same way at TEP.
this friday is .....NAPFA!
and i am workin on a drama script for my group. with loads of friends' help of course.=)
Friday, July 07, 2006
politics aglore
there is more and more politics.
so i guess i prefer to be in the dark ... even if the dark only has me.
next week has NAPFA!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
nothing is ever so bad.
i dont want to be near them.
and i am just happy to say that things aint as bad as i initially thought so. i am getting the hang of it. ( hopefully)
Friday, June 30, 2006
SG i
with an unnumbered ticket. meaning, we get to sit in a holding area watchin a mute TV screen while waiting for the staff to confirm whether we can go in the auditorium to view it in the true LIVE manner.
and we were given a SGI lanyard as a token of appreciation(?)... i mean, who wants to watch a mute tv screen after making the effect to go to ulu caldecott hill? when u can stay in the comfort of ur home, righT?!
LUCKY, we got to enter in the end. and were seated among a troop of matilda's fans and family. they. were. very. loud.
deafening. ear drums were in a state of painful shock.
oh... i LOVE Gayle's voice! too bad primero's singing talents cant match his face.=(
Saturday, June 24, 2006
i think i am sad
the frequency and length of their blog entries being updated can tell you that. of course its not a fool proof way. but i think... i wont be wrong to say that totally.
my group members made history. they caused the absence of the grad video during this yr's ceremony.
i duno what they think of themselves. being history makers and all. being creative and passionate only about what they like. doing an ugly piece of work just coz the concept they didnt like. and only puttin effort after gettin screwed.
personalities clash.
things i haf not done
- go to mango sale. go there look also i happy.
- go to bugis. ditto the comment.
- go to kbox. must get my fix of k-ing.
- go to Hark's music cafe.
- go for a beach outing with ms pals.
- buy a lap top. i refuse to call it lappy. so twit.
Things i will haf to do...
- Downtown escapade officialing.(again)
- my poly-forum project.
- my IMF duty.
- my poly forum chalet.
by the time i finish things i will have to do... its already sept! and i will soon finish my tep by then, and will be IPP-ing! *wow!
Monday, June 19, 2006
PRE-poly forum
get aquianted to 60 plus ppl PLUS u r given a whole new meaning and dimension to life.
and be even extra busy. and grp leader's name happened to be ALEX too. a compleete eagle. a perfectionist-eagle. a maria-type eagle.
i wonder should i be happy or sad.
but overall, i think my sub -sub team quite pro. HAHAHAHAH.
and my TEP group totally pales in comparision. i am gonna make sure we work some miracles out...=)
no man is an island.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
ATC. Am.Team.Camp
that was how i started my second ateam camp. as one of the facilitators.
actually it started way before hand. we went one day early coz we were the facs... the ones who r gonna prepare all the fun for the campers.
we get to sleep early on the first night! guess who went to sleep first... no prizes for guessin right though. Ha.
if the expecatations r low, u r less likely to be disappointed... so i guess i am not disappointed in the camp. At all. its like so mega fun! i like being a facilitator, hanging with the blue shirts, coz they happen to be SoOOoO simply funnyy.
we cant finish dinner coZ we spent too much llufffing away.
and i made ice milo with orange flavoured ice cubes. they r SOOoO nice. they drank it just to ... keep their promise. avoid letting me down. feel a bit touched.=)
the grp of us had war paint on our face as part of a crazy idea for our performance. VERY funny.
and i spoilt my specs in the process. the right side of the frame BROKE. broke it as i crouched down on the way to hide myself from the campers before the perfomance.
will be making new ones soon!
and there is a kind of misguided pleasure in watchin people eat a big slice of watermelon without spoon or hands. HAH.
i was so very lazy after the camp to take the public transport. so i just tried callin my brother to fetch me. and he did!!!!!!!!! *omg. i am shocked. i am touched by his nice-ness. coz his workplace isnt that on-the-way.
n i had 5 missed calls from him just coz that i couldnt recognise the ringing sound whic came from my phone. n he still called me til i answered. So Nice.
there is so many ppl to be thankful to... maria for treatin breakfast. the campers for being enthu( altho they r highly competitive). the people who r so funny to be with... take a loooonng time if i were to name them individually, so i better dun start.
n i am an eagle.=)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
the pessimist in me rears it big, fat, ugly head once again. yesh, i do get scared. more scared than anticipation.
to the powers above, help mi to enjoy this camp, will ya?
the feelin of being scared is becoming more and more often. since when did i become so afraid of ... things? y cant i just go ahead and chase after what i want... initiative~, i thought i had you in me.
in the end, practicality wins. the cons definately deter me from doing what i hoped to do.... there will always be things i will never say... never do.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
pre-forum camp is next weekend.
i am awaiting in anticipation. sort of. i just hope i dun drop dead from the lethargy.
blk M. is so ... cool. i am acting like a star-struck teenager. but blk M reallly is cool compared to studio A. it smells like a newly built building. the cement-ie and conrete-ie and paint-ie smell... sOOoO NEW.
the newbies at PM r so totally cannot make it. was i ever like them? as bad as them? i really think they suck lor. did someone think of me the same way when i was a newbie too?
but. i think i have come a long way. it seems to me i had just ask those same questions they asked not so long ago. and now i can just answer them without missing a beat. and give them correct answers at that.
second nature can be constructed so easily... or is it because i am just so adaptable ? ha.
another friend will be quiitting in a matter of weeks. i wonder what can make me stay there.
going to broadcast next week!@!@!@!@!
Friday, June 02, 2006
buzz carnival
maxine brought a Large bag of it. kelly's bag was medium. i think mine is XXS. HAH.
after the 5 hours of sitting there... our sales came only in the first hour. only 2 sales. i sold off my MNG basic for $8. and used it buy a set of accessories from Middle East for $5.
SoooOOO cheap. i got it from just when they were packin to leave.
anyway. its a good experience. fun even. too bad its not in the atrium. would be even more fun if the crowd is significant.
currently the desktop i am using is semi spoilt. no MS Office even. my brother will get a new comp ba... and the new digicam is here!!!!!!!!!!
a long day.
in front of the comp with rachel. lunch break. watch video. back to the comp. and finally THE meetin with mr seah and mr tan. and then Work.and then home and blogging.
today shall be memorable since i think its the first time that our work isnt trash to the ones who matter most importantly. i guess this is the sense of euphoria u get when u get approval, acceptance from your clients.
i guess i cant change the way people think of me, but i will be trying.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Pre -U seminar.
the fortunate few of us from ATEAM were lucky enuf to be chosen for poly forum and subsequently the Pre-University Seminar.
we took cab from climenti. courteusy from the SAOffice, of course.
there, we met the equivalent of ATEAM. duno what they r called. and an overly-enthusiatic girl who frightened all of us. no kiddin... she even frightened Ms lina. she sounds so hyper and quite comical. professional doesn come to mind. at all.
so we were ushered into the LT-27. they claimed its gonna start soon. how soon is soon. only abt 1/2 an hour later.-.- so much for rushing us.
Poly students dun need wear blazers, we were labeled under guests.
and Mr Gan's speech was informative and relatively entertaining. but cannot tahann. towards the end, ( 40 mins later ) i had to start resisting yawns.
then the Q and A session. JC ppl r so different... from me. so smart. so differed perspective. they gave off an aura of intelligence. haaai. but they speak in slangs and use complicated manners to convey simple ideas.
since we were guests. we were VIP. what a kick. ( me ? a VIP? so laughable.) they had procelain plates. and some jc students to pick the food of us. they had bite sized cakes, brownies, and even ICE CREAM elcairs. and also sushi... and boooths just for mee sian and some traditional pastries.
wahhh. i am easily impressed.
and i must say that the SAOs , the ones i met personnally ... are ALL SO NICE! so afffadable.
then i finished up my assignments for the fashion thinggy at far east plaza. so i had the waffle on the way.HAH. and i finally got my wedge. totally to die for. cause its so damm high that i can die walkin on it. and a guess wallet going at $30. a must-buy. even the cashier said its a good buy. *=)
i didnt splurge!
reached home quite i decided to entertain my mother a bit. by talkin to her in my CMI hokkien. its so funny to her that she even called my auntie and ask me to talk to her in hokkien.i know i sound funnny. it just doesnt sound natural... so fake. HAH. it IS funny.
Friday, May 26, 2006
i was made IC of the xiang qi event. felicia was my AIC. overall, i think she played a more important role than me. it was she who went to the ( 2H) briefing... i am lucky to be paired with her.
whats with me and foood?
maybe in my past lives i was REALLY VERY short of food and money... therefore i am the way i am now. most happy with the presence of monee and food.
the whole ateam now know my weakness for food.HAHAHHA. how can u still stay slim with the way u eat? i can't! i was slimmer before. lol.
i even met up with SH after the whole day event. my feet is totally multilated after the day. blistered. bruised. bloodied.
but the ice cream was very enjoyable. worth it.
the face of the waiter was priceless when i told him both ice cream sundaes are mine... ( by mistake). pure, unhidden shock and surprise. bet he is thinkin, is she for real? TWO sundaes by herself?! she not afraid of gettin FAT?
a LOL moment. a routine when i go swensons. there somehow MUST be a lol moment. lets see will this trend continue or not.