Sunday, January 08, 2012


i start off 2012 knowing that i put on weight. the same 5kg that i lost... that made ppl comment i was skinny.

NOW, ppl almost cant recognise me cause i got rounder ... just really bigger size me. anywayzzz. it is a wake up call that i cant snack at night. i cant eat (snack) after 9pm at night. if i do .... the 5kg (or more) come chasing after me, i only did calories in, but no calories out.

healthy living... here i come! & I will climb those stairs again. i will cut those carbs again, again and again.

I want to make a habit to take part in lucky draw contest that being run by products that i already use or dun mind using. esp those lucky draws that offer cash prizes. i like this way better compared to buying 4D, hoping to strike one of the prizes.

I am a confirmed staff of cow singapore. after 4 months. that means my probation was extended!!! my boss thinks i am ok, except that i tend to be rash & dun think things through. i think she was also trying to say i am gullible too. ohhh wellz.

i am also not sure what to think of the 3% annual increment/adjustment.... but there is a consensus that we , execs of cow, are partly paying to learn , paying for the opportunities and paying for the valuable exposure that not many other places offer ; paying for the chance to build up our resumes. Then i found that that some of the mktg execs suffered a pay cuts to join cow. omg. if they were to give me a paycut. i doubt i would have joined. or maybe... i would, depending what chris-the-career-consultant advised me. gawd knows.

and it's time to have a joint account with zh. i feel bad at times, cause i am such a self-centred gf at times. made possible, cause he is so bo-chap about cultivates this bad habit.

and in 2012... can i really make it to USA? with no silver spoon , rich parents or high paying job, i am hoping one of the contests which i will be participating can help me in this. ^.^ cheers to the power of positive thinking.