Sunday, August 29, 2010

shaved ice at chinatown

finally stumbled upon my fav type of shaved ice in Singapore. It is next to Ah Chew's Traditional Deserts @ Chinatown.

this taiwanese type of shaved ice is distinctly different from our ice-kachang tpe of shaved ice cause they added milk inside to have a more chewy texture. & it doesnt melt easily! Perfect for our weather.
spent today totally in chinatown. there is a lot of things to look see and eat. & it always nice hanging out with ah-ho. just looking. just chatting. i done my homework to fnd out what my fav korea package togther with ah-ho :D

i'm so happy for the leads in My Fair Lady... discovered that I am possibly a fan of Yoon Eun Hye, caused I always followed her dramas! it's such a relief that the leads have a happy ending.
We definitely need as many happy endings as possible!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

next motivation.

my next motivation in life- Korea in Jan 11. which is about 4 months away. It is such a thrill to see Jan-dates listed in the travel packages cause it means it is not tooo far. it is a good medicine for my monday blues which is already kicking in at a time when i feel like i cant do anything right.

humans are such conflicting creatures... cause i feel time is too fast and too slow simulatanously.

Stephanie Meyers' new novel- The Host is food for thoughts. In this book, there are many other species of living things in the universe. Which I think is probably true. In this alien invasion, the aliens are actually peace loving and kind creatures except they look like worms and cant survive without a host bodies in other planets. Once they are inside a host bodies, they take over the bodies and erase the original personality within. It liks committing a personality-murder instead of physicial murder. Suddenly everyone who has the worm inside them is peaceloving, kind and honest.

cool, huh.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

National Day Long Weekend

Went to JB on National Day's Eve. BF drove inside with the guidance oh his friends. Happily surprised to see the same rose-scrunchie selling at Holiday Plaza at 3 for 10rm. that's like half the price I was quoted at HK for about the same thing. Maybe these scrunchie comes from Thailand, so they are cheaper at JB?? Anywayz... I'm glad I didnt buy at them at HK. (yes, i got a fake LV monogram -rose scrunchie:P)
We just had our 3rd anniversary! How time flies. Not that we had celebrations, cause the trip to HK was in honour of our anniversary (and birthdays... we are so very giam).

We went to long-forgotten restaurant, cause Ichiban's queue was so horrendous. (at least the food there justifies the queue). Seems like the food there isnt as good as I remembered during my days as a Swensens-service crew. Those days are so loong ago! And those were the good ole days. hurhur.

The food doesnt matter;so long the company is right! And yes, the food are just so-so for the price and we are reminded once again, why we do not go there often.

Yes; i love you still :) Though I hardly say it and I am so super chia-peh-peh towards to you! heehee. You are my rock and pillar of strength which I appreciates very much.

On the down side, I am having a difficult time at work! I foget the stuff I am supposed to do even though I wrote them down and they are on my list. I forgotten to check on the timeline I was supposed to deliver the ads! How stupid I am??!!

I seem to not be able to finish my stuff; never chase my suppliers, am not clear in my instructions, did not manage to talk to my sales to get my trade prog accounts consolidated and lose track on what those numerous ad changes. I feel llike I dont know what my boss want! I live in fear of someone pointing out that I forgotten to do something or I had confused something up. AHHHHHHHHHH.

argh. ok. good to get it off my chest. so much to do to close up the loop holes.

sigh. i was too pampered at SLS.

time for some prep talk- I can do it! What don't kill me makes me stronger!!