Wednesday, April 18, 2007

in love... or not

my friend actually wrote in his blog that one of the must-dos before NS is "fallin in luv".

i can't help but snigger at this comment. it is just so him. i observe that generally, a guy always need a girl to feel completed. there is so many mundane things that only doing it as a couple, it seems more fun.


in my pathetic short-lasting case, i didnt remember doing anything that was more fun if you do it as a couple. i mean, it is just as fun if u do it with a grp of tomadachi.


i want to tell my friend, dont break up over silly things. i totally object to that. love aint easy to come by, dont we all agree?

meanwhile, there is nothing i can do except to WAIT. wait n see how things turn out. wait n see what will lead to what.... =S