Saturday, November 21, 2009

daisuke- nihon- Shopping

i think that one should never ever ask ppl to buy blue label back from japan for ownself. well, i did attempt to ask before but i was not really serious about it. & really - i realize it is such a mistake to ask ppl to buy for you.

you reallly have to buy one for yourself. it is to comemorate that you had spotted something nice in Japan! like the 3 of us. hahahaha.

its about the FEELLL-LING. you would understand if you happen to be a shoppaholic like me.

Ginza distict reminds me of Orchard Road. except people in Orchard Road never turns up in tuxedos. The japanese dotted their streets with small lighted xmas tress. cute leh.

i absolutely heart the outlet shoppping. heart to the max!!!!!!!!!! why isnt there one in sg? is it because we are too small to have one? must be i guess.

i duno when will i get to have a second time to outlet-shop in japan... :S