Sunday, December 20, 2009

i love my mom

i bought a pair of ripped jeans in the mango sale. i love it more after my mom asked me where is there holes in the new pairof jeans which i bought.

i simply find it hilarious.

i find it hilarious when she models her new clothes for me to see while fishing for my compliments (only). i stubbornly refuse to say her new clothes are nice just to drive her crazy and see her convince herself that she did iNDEED made a purchase which looks nice on her.

LOL. i *heart* her to the max. coz she is so typically auntie that is supremely funny.

the holiday season havent exactly started but i am eduring a crazy sore throat already. =X too much fried food, i would say.

i plan to use the long weekends to detox myself from all the shopping, materialism and consumerism that i had committed... some forced (i.e. xmas exchange) but mostly unforced of course. since japan, i had the guilty feeling of overspending... i even start to wonder why am i in a hurry to be rid of the monee that i carry with me.

each outing that i go... i spend about $100 on average. OMG. it must be the sale thats driving me nuts. but knowing that i staying away from malls, makes me feel safer with myself. hahahaha.

normallly, i am not so uptight with my expenditure. but now, i am vexed!!

is there any good news for me???