Thursday, November 24, 2011

hurt pride

for all the ridicule i made abt the bf's weight, his pride is nvr hurt.

then i found out too late that it is not the same case with money.

talking about money is always such a sensitive subject. y isnt his weight the same? i always wanted to ridicule him and shame him into losing weight so that he will stop snoring so loudly & stop sweating like a pig in the slightest heat like drinking hot soup. but i nvr succeed.

so i didnt even try to ridicule him abt $$ and he reacted so badly so that i always think is this the right person for me? esp when we are almost at the stage whereby we wanna buy a flat!! now is the time to KNOW.

then again. there is never a right person. just the person who happens to be at the right place and right time. yup. i agree. lets be pragmatic & admit that there will probably never be another guy who is 2x as nice and interested in me. & probably it is the same way for him.

i just wanna roll my eyes majorly at him now.-.-