Saturday, April 08, 2006


Kah Wei is a 27 years-old !!! wow. poly isnt diverse for nothing, man. and his part time job is a project coordinator among many others. ( and he also has a missin tooth...) i wonder why.

after a McDonald's lunch, the load of us went to MS Kbox and it was SO SO SO crowded! then did some window shoppin while waitin for the room. ha... alvin has so much enthusiasm, and i could luff just hearin Willis' voice, and the key word then, was HARMONY.*LOL.

and so now, i haf a reallly irritated throat due to overusage.

we overstayed one hour coz they keep forgettin the drinks the served us. HAH. huo gai. and for better or for worse, none of them changed at all. not in terms of personality at least.

and CY said i sound better with this hoarse voice. damm. this is the onlyy good thing that results from a cold, i guess. and this was like, a trademark Pheobe once said which Channel 5 used to promote the series.