Sunday, September 21, 2008

our self destructing world

what happens when you take things for granted and never pause to treasure and give and as much you take?

the EARTH AND HUMANS race to self destruct!

in the most simplistic non political sense, people starts to bomb their own species. mother earth self destructs with hurricans and tsunamis. people only want to take(i.e. earn money) and forget about others' well being then viola, we get milk power contamination from... where else? but china... duh.

why do they have to spoil their own image after the spectacular olympics show? why do people only care abt making money? and making MORE money with as little resources as possible? this isnt going to work. period. didnt we witness that from the lead-in-children's-toys episode?

then we get more people who likes to bomb other people. in case you duno, pakistan's marriot kana...again. does that sound retarded or what?! what do you get???? glory??? pride?? why do you need glory when you are not alive to savour the taste of it all??? i rather buy a cheap pair of shoes and tell people i got a fantastic bargain and i take pride and glory in that too.

The massive bomb targeting an American hotel chain killed at least 40 people and wounded hundreds, setting a fire that blazed for hours and gutted most of the five-story luxury hotel.
"The attack on the hotel is a message to the Pakistani leadership: End all cooperation with the Americans or pay the price," said Brian Glyn Williams, associate professor of Islamic history at the University of Massachusetts.

n i came across a super interesting article in newpaper. the author likened the financial crisis in the US as tho US is transitioning from a first world super power to a third world super financial basket case.

whahahahah! i like that analogy. not that i like that we are facing financial crisis.

hm. overall. with so many disasters. i am starting to hate my corporate job. do so much with so little and u want to GET SO MUCH!!!!! ??????

humans are rarely the ones who give birth to miracles OK. we are not mother earth who can create diamonds out of crude minerals and trees out of seeds. humans cant do all that.

we can however, without miracles, just start self destructing.