Sunday, December 28, 2008

i got snappy

i took up the DBS credit promotion @ Cathay. a special prize for 2 tic, 1 drink and 1 popcorn.

the staff said they will serve the food to me when the movie starts. AND I DIDN'T GET THEM EVEN THOUH IT WAS ALREADY ONE HOUR INTO THE MOVIE!!

i was so pissed coz i was really looking forward to the popcorn AT THE START OF THE MOVIE!! i dont want them at any other time other than at the start of the movie. people just dont START eating popcorn in the middle of nowwhere in a show!!! at least me.

and the worst thing is, they didnt even sent it on their own accord. it took my bf 2 trips of out the cinema to ask them to send. i was even more pissed that their lack of service interruppted my bf's viewing coz he wanted to get the popcorn for me.


i got mad at the innocent panda. eh. yah. so another public apology for you from me.

i got mad at him coz he brought the stupid popcorn to me, when i was already mentally preparing to ask the staff to justify the incident to me. i wanna my money back! not the stupid popcorn in the middle of the movie!!!!!

anyway, i will never let them to offer to send the stupid f&b to me every again.i will just take myself!!!

at least the show (IP MUM) was good! 5 stars! donnie yuen portrayed the character well. the action was not exaggerated. it was real and breathe-taking and makes me wanna send my future kids to learn chinese martial arts.