Saturday, May 25, 2013

my surprise

I was surprised. That I only weigh 40kg according to today's basic type of scale.

  Just 1 month ago I was 43kg on a digital scale. But I am pretty sure that the weighing scale isnt too accurate. I am eating as  much as I want. I do not that think I can lose 3kg just like that. Some perverse part of me is happy if I did lose weight. the skimnnier the better!! more to eat with no fear. heh. 

BF has a destination which he wants to visit MORE than me. That's great. Finally some wanderlust seems to be have rubbed off from me to him. I want to see him wanting to see the world and just be a more learned man. More than just SEA. 

Travelling adds knowledge. emotions and wonderful memories that we probably cant replicate on the same level if we stay in the same area of land. If we dont do anything different, we will always get the same results. 


So we continue to wait for Natas and see what we can get.