Saturday, September 07, 2013

wake me up when it's october

Hello, what is up in my mind RIGHT NOW is that I hope I get to go USA with my yet-to-be confirmed tour group! Because I experienced a FAIL tour group, I am going prepare for Plan B cause that is how one cope with disappointment. Cant put all the eggs in one basket. Plan B is nice too if I can go f&e in Europe... taking trains, oogling guys,  exploring places safe-&-sound-ly of course.

I live a hopeful life, so...

I hope that my guy friend will want to go JB day trip with me & my colleagues. I am finally creating an opportunity for single girls and guys to hang out and I hope they can take it up. :X

Will Keep Fingers Very Crossed.


Sometimes I think about how far I had come life and I think I did a decent-ok job. I have my set of values and ethics and stay faithful to them. They are so unshakable that ppl with different values from me- ?? I think they are aliens. I want to do the right thing. Pursue the Right ideals. I like to live within my small world.  yet  I want to discover the world. There is so much to know, so much to see... waiting for me.

So in the meantime, let me get thru the everyday's routine.  Wake me up when it is time to go for an adventure!