Saturday, September 15, 2007

a stone in my heart

i had a good start, only to deteoriate rapidly during the last lap. i cant find any reason which are valid, i think i dun need reason to justify. the reason is... me. i feel like a mess. thats why i am one. thats what KK would love to say. u r what u feel. things can come true due to willpower. yada yada yada... even tho he didnt manage to find any girls wearing short skirt when he said he wanted but thats beside the point. *rolls eyes.

didnt i used to say this were like an internship? guess i am having a F-grade now... but still got a few weeks to pull it to a D or a C-grade. in the meantime, i am still whining n feeling dumbdumb but just be prepared for... everything!!!

ahmed enlisting today!