Monday, July 31, 2006


my colleague was arrested when 19 because of driving with out a license. arrested.

so, that means he has a criminal record? kekekekekkee. his story was pretty interesting.

yesterday laugh so hard at work that i cant serve customers and almost choke on my phlegm. thats what i go to work for. lol. rumours has it that the breadtalk manager next door likes our manager ... so we get free bread to like one big plastic bag of almost not-fresh bread is very appertizing like dat.

only 2 more months to go! before the end of tep. i remenber when i was just casually chattin to felicia and she could tell me exactly when her ipp is gonna end, right til the number of days and hours.

i like hearing ssl sharing her past experiences. i wish she can have a sharing session regrading her hey days as an award winning producer. how many times can u get to talk to a highly regarded producer?